The "new girl"

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I walked into school with my sister and her friends. Heather stopped midway in the middle of the hallway and turned around to me. "Y/n, no offense but are you gonna hang out with us all day or-" I cut her off. "Don't worry Heather. I wouldn't want to be seen with you. I want to make a good first impression." She started at me then rolled her eyes  scoffing. I smirked and walked to the office to get my schedule. I got my paper and walked to my locker putting in the code. I put my books in my locker fixing my eyeliner. I felt someone tap on my shoulder and I turned around. There was this tall guy behind me looking at Heather. He kept staring at her for a good minute or two then realized what he came over here for. "How may I help you." I asked looking at him. He looked back at me and started smiling. "Oh yeah, can I borrow your eyeliner?" I was about to laugh when I realized he was serious. I handed it to him. "Sure, why not." I handed him my mirror. He started applying it and was doing it wrong (yes I know he IS good at eyeliner but it's for the story guys shhhhh) "no no. If you're going to try and impress my sister you need to do your eyeliner correctly." He stopped and looked at me confused. "You're Heathers sister? And what are you talking about. I am GREAT at eyeliner." I rolled my eyes. "Yes, I am Heathers sister. And no, you absolutely suck at it." He looked offended. "Well fine then. If you're so great at it.." he handed me the eyeliner and continued. "You do it."

I sighed. "Alright fine." He knelt down a bit so I get get to him easier. I started doing it and and he moved because he heard Heather. Because he moved he poked himself in the eye. "Oh you dumbass." I said shaking my head. His eye was watering and surprisingly the eyeliner wasn't running. "Ow." He said closing the eye he poked. I laughed at him. "Loser." He looked offended again. "Alright let's finish this. And no moving!" I said. He sighed. "Whatever." I finished the eyeliner. "Alright, done." He looked in the mirror that he was still holding. "Great. Thanks." He handed me the mirror, smiled with a thumbs up and ran over to see Heather. I could see she was not interested at all but he kept pushing. I laughed to myself. Idiot.

~in class~

I was zoning out most of the class doodling random shit in my notebook when I feel a ball of paper hitting the back of my shoulder. I turned around and it was the guy who's eyeliner I did. He never told me his name so I have now nicknamed him "eyeliner guy" "How may I help you?" I asked whispering. He whispered back, "you should teach me how to eyeliner some time. You're the only person I know who actually knows how to do eyeliner and who would actually do it for me." I thought about it for a second. I mean I don't really mind. "Sure, I don't have anything better to do." I said. He nodded grabbing a pen off of one of the other students desk then grabbing my arm. "What are you-" he started writing his number on my arm. He only got a few numbers in when I heard Mr. Hank (I don't know it was the first name I thought of.) cough behind me. Me and eyeliner guy looked at him. He was still holding my arm and the pen when we realized everyone else was looking at us. "I'm sorry, is my lesson interrupting your conversation?" He asked putting his hands on his hips. "Yes actually. We were have a great conversation until now." I replied. I heard eyeliner guy snort behind me. I didn't turn around but Mr. Hank was looking at him. "Is something funny Mr. Heffley?" "Nope. Not at all." He said. He was trying not to smile. "Alright we'll both of you. Detention after school today." Mr. Hanks said turning back to the board. Rodrick still had my arm in his hand when I turned around to look at him. He already was finishing writing his number when I turned around. He let go of my arm putting the pen on the other students desk. He leaned back in his chair and whispered, "I'll text you." I nodded leaning back in my chair and doodling some more on my notebook.


I walked into the classroom seeing Rodrick already there sitting in one of the desks. "Welcome Mrs. Y/l/n You can take a seat next to Mr. Heffley." Mr Hanks said not looking up from his laptop. I sat down next to him putting my backpack down and got my notebook out to doodle. I felt someone tap my shoulder and I looked over. "I never learned your name. What is it?" He asked. "Y/n. What's yours?" I asked back. "Rodrick." He replied. I nodded putting my legs up on my desk leaning my head back in my chair. He tapped my shoulder again. I sighed, "yes Rodrick?" I looked at him. He pointed at Mr. Hanks to show he was asleep. "And? He's asleep. Great." I said confused. "Exactly he's asleep. He won't know if we leave." He said sounding like I was supposed to know what he meant the first time. "Oh. Alright let's go." I took my legs off the desk grabbing my bag and putting my notebook back. I got up and went to the doorway waiting for him. He was doing something on Mr. Hanks laptop smirking at something. "Rodrick are you kidding me? Lets go!" I whisper yelled making sure I don't wake him up. He rolled his eyes. "Fine." He ran over to me grabbing my arm and pulling me outside. We were outside the school. When he looked at me, "where do you wanna go?" I thought about it. "I don't know. I haven't been here for that long so I don't know this area that much." I said. "Well I guess I'll just have to give you a tour then. Come on let's go!" We went to his van where it the words "Löded Diper" on the side. I'm guessing he saw that I was confused by the words because he told me what it was. "It's the name of my band. You should hear us play one time. We'll be at the talent show at the end of the year you should go." "I'll think about it." I said getting into the passenger side.

Long story short Rodrick absolutely SUCKS at driving. I regret going with him. "Hey Rodrick just a quick question. Was your driving instructor high when they said you could drive?" I asked being fully serious. He laughed, "what are you talking about? I'm a great driver!" He stopped at a park and we got out. "I think I'm going to be sick." I said leaning against a tree. He walked over to me and patted my shoulder. "Oh come on. You'll be fine." We started walking when I felt my phone ringing. "Hold on." I said taking my phone out of my pocket. He leaned against a tree looking around waiting for me. "What do you need Heather?" Rodricks eyes lit up and looked at me.

"Y/n you need to come home now! It's an emergency!"
"I feel like anything that's an emergency to you means nothing to me."
"Y/n I'm serious! We need to talk about my sweet 16!"
"Heather you're sweet 16 is in like a month and a half! There is no reason to plan now."
"Y/n I'm not arguing with you. Get over here now!"

I sighed hanging up the phone. "I have to go. I'm sorry." Rodrick looked at me confused. "What's wrong?" I sighed again, "Heather needs me to help plan for her sweet 16. Even though it's in a month." "Alright. Do you want me to drop you off?" Rodrick asked. "No I'm okay I can walk. It's not that far of a walk. See you later Rodrick I'll see you at school." I waved then walked off.

A/N: hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Next chapter i am skipping to the talent show because why not. Then it will be the last day of school. Then summer! (A.k.a the country club and Heathers sweet 16 😃)

Word count: 1445

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