The talent show

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We walked into the place looking around. I looked over and saw Rodrick. Turns out he saw me first so he motioned me to stay there. I turned to Holly. "I'm gonna use the bathroom okay? I'll be there in a second." She nodded and followed mom into the auditorium. Rodrick came over to me. "Hey sorry I didn't text you. I was at my stupid grandfather's retirement home." I nodded, "It's okay. Sorry you can't play. I know it meant a lot to you and your band." He sighed. "It's whatever." We saw the lights flicker and I knew it was starting. "We should go it's starting. I'll see you after?" He nodded. We went in and he went to his seat and I went to mine.

The first act was this girl singing. She wasn't that bad. I looked over at Rodrick. He looked upset. I don't blame him. It sucks he can't play. Holly tapped me on my shoulder. I looked at her. She smiled and pointed at Rodrick. "Is that the guy you were texting?" I rolled my eyes. "Yes, he's my friend." She smiled some more. "Then why were you staring at him?" I smiled back. "How did you know I was looking at him? Were you looking at Greg?" She immediately got red and embarrassed. "Shut up." She looked away. I laughed.

I saw Rodrick get up and Greg following him. They went backstage and I went to get up but mom stopped me. "Sit down." I sat down concerned but I ignored it. It's probably brother stuff. Rodrick came back looking more upset then before. I tried texting him but he didn't even look at his phone. Something really bad must have happened. Then I looked up at the stage and saw Rowley and Greg. Oh my god. Greg's outfit was hilarious and Rowley had on a fake mustache. It was a masterpiece. Rodrick went backstage again and he didn't come back I was getting a little worried but I tried pushing it out of my brain. Rodrick and Greg's act was actually pretty funny. I know it wasn't planned to go the way it did but it was funny. I got a text from Rodrick and I checked my phone.

Turns out my brother isn't fully a dick. The whole reason he did the act with Rowley was so I could play. It worked. I'm going on next.

Rodrick that's awesome! I hope you guys are good. I don't want to wast my time.

Ow. That was harsh.

I'm kidding. See you after.


I put my phone away and laughed then I tapped Holly. "That guy I was talking to. He's a about to go on. He's in a band." She looked at me and smiled. "Oooo! What music do they play?" I thought about it. "I actually have no idea. We'll find out." The announcer went on stage, "Welcome to the stage, Löded Diper! Oh yeah!" Then he ran off. Holly laughed. "Diper?" I gently pushed her arm. "I know, I know." The curtain opened and I saw Susan run off stage. "We are Löded Diper!" Then they started. Ben screamed then started singing. They actually were pretty good. I looked over to the edge of the stage and saw Susan dancing. They turned the light to her and everyone started copying her dance moves. At the end of the show I saw how happy Rodrick was. Holly told me that she actually liked the song. I decided to text Rodrick on my way home.

Alright it wasn't THAT bad.

Told you. I knew you would like it.

Yeah yeah whatever. Sorry I didn't see you after. My mom was dragging me out the door.

It's cool. See you at school tomorrow.


We pulled into the driveway and I went up to my room when I played some music ignoring the yells I was getting from Heather. What's My Age Again? Was playing when Holly came in. I turned it down a little. "Hey y/n? Can I talk to you? Everyone else is busy." She said standing in my doorway. "Yeah of course Holly. Come in." She came into my room and sat on my bed. Turns out I was right. She likes Greg. She said she'll never say anything to him but just hearing her say it period just proves I was right. So I'm happy.

Word count: only 753

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