𝗦𝘂𝘇𝗶𝗲, 𝗗𝗼 𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗖𝗼𝗽𝘆? 𝗣𝘁. 𝟭

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Y/n's POV:

I sat in my room in silence, well except for my Walkman blasting in my ears. I saw Will standing in my doorway with his backpack. "Hey y/n/n." Will said with a smile. "Hi, what's up?" I asked. "I am about to go see a movie with Lucas, Max, and Mike, but you know Mike will be late or stand us all up again. He only cares about El anymore." Will said with a frown. El. I don't know why but I can't help but get jealous whenever her and Mike are together. I stood up and gave Will a hug. "Well have fun, be careful, and don't do drugs." I said with a smile. Will laughed. "Drugs are expensive so no worries there." He said. We both started laughing. "Okay go! Shoo!" I said ruffling his hair. "No not the hair!" Will said in a dramatic voice making my eyes tear up from laughter. Will left a few seconds after that.

I sighed and sat back down. I had an urge to take out my walkie-talkie and annoy my brother William Byers. I turned it on with a snicker. "Will!" I shouted into it. A few seconds later I heard Will groan. "Y/n! Don't do that again you scared me!" Will said. "Okay, okay, sorry bowl cut." I said. "Rude." Will said back. "Oh by the way! Get your butt to Starcourt." Will said. "Why?" I whined. "We want to see the movie with you! Max hasn't seen you in a month, and you know that girl has anger issues, so please for my sake, come watch the movie with us?" Will said. I thought about it for a minute. "Okay, I'm on my way." I said. I heard Will cheer and I laughed. I changed into a pair of vintage mom jeans, a green sweater, my white Converse, and put my hair into a ponytail.

I made sure the house was locked before I got on my bike and rode to the mall. I made it there after five minutes. I smiled at all the bright colors illuminating my face. I parked my bike by Will's and got off. I heard footsteps behind me. "Y/n!" Max shouted with a smile. I turned around and felt her engulf me in a hug. I hugged back with a smile. "Hey Max, how are you?" I asked. "Oh I'm good, what about you?" She asked. "I'm uh- I'm good." I said. "Good job Y/n, you got here before Mike." Lucas said. "Hi Lucas." I said with a laugh. "Hey Y/n." He said back with a funny face which made us burst out into a fit of laughter. A minute or so later we heard another bike pull up. "Your late." Lucas said. "Sorry." Mike said as he parked his bike. "Again." Lucas said crossing his arms. "We're going to miss the opening." Will said. "Yeah if you guys keep whining about it. Let's go." Mike said as we all walked inside. "If you guys keep whining about it nyeh nyeh nyeh." Lucas mocked making me laugh. "Just please stop talking dude." Mike groaned. "Let me guess. You were busy." Lucas said as he made kissing sounds.

"Oh yeah, real mature Lucas." Mike said. "Oh El, I wish we could make out forever, and never hang out with any of our friends!" Lucas said in a dramatic voice. "Lucas stop." Max said as she held my hand. "Will and Y/n think it's funny." Lucas defended. "Because it is." I said giggling. "Yeah it's so funny that I want to spend romantic time with my girlfriend." Mike said. "I'm spending romantic time with my girlfriend." Lucas said. We made it to the escalator where we had to push past people, obviously saying sorry. "Hey! Watch it!" Some lady said. "Yeah watch it nerds." Lucas' sister Erica said with a snicker. "Isn't it past your bedtime?" Lucas asked with a groan. "Isn't it time you died?" Erica asked, making herself and her friends laugh. "Psycho." Lucas said. "Butthead." Erica said. "Mall rat!" Lucas said. "Fart face!" Erica said. Lucas made farting noises as Max grabbed his arm. "Now that was mature." Max said.

We walked into Scoops Ahoy. Mike started ringing the bell on the counter. "Hey dingus your children are here!" A girl shouted. Steve opened the slide door with a sigh. "Again? Seriously?" Steve asked. Mike rang the bell one more time. "If anybody finds out about this!" Steve shouted as we walked down the hallway. "We're dead!" We all shouted back. We made it to the theater and snuck in. We all started eating some snacks. "See Lucas we made it." Mike said. "We missed the previews." Lucas defended. "Still made it, fart face." Max said with a laugh. "Hey y/n." Mike said with a smile. "Yeah." I said. "How's El? I haven't seen her in a week." I said. "She's good." Mike said. I nodded and focused on the movie before the power went out and everyone started complaining.

The power came back on after a couple of minutes, thankfully, and everyone started cheering. I saw Will put his hand on the back of his neck so I got worried. "Hey." Mike said breaking him out of his thoughts. "You okay?" Mike asked. "Yeah." Will said. "Are you sure?" Mike asked. "Of course." Will said. "Will, you can talk to me you know." I said. "I know, thanks y/n/n." Will said with a smile. I smiled back. I have the same powers as El, I was in the lab when El was in the lab. My mom got me out of that place which is good. My number was 014, meaning I am 2 numbers more than El, I was tested after her though. I shook myself out of my thoughts and focused on the movie.

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