Letter 4

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May 21
Dear Dad,
This is my fourth letter to you. I wish you would write back soon. Yesterday with Kathryn we met some not-so-nice girls. They stole Kathryn's bag which had her wallet in it. When I nicely asked them for it back, they held it over the deep end of the pool. Kathryn also had her bracelet that had her mom's name on it in there. He mom gave it to her when she was ten because she was sick with a brain tumor and was afraid she was going to die soon, which she did right after she gave it to Kathryn. Kathryn can't swim in the deep end and I didn't want to take the chance of losing her bracelet, so I jumped on the mean girls. The lifeguard saw me do that, but of course she wouldn't believe that her cousin would've taken the bag. The mean girls made a deal with Kathryn and I, we would meet at the front desk in 30min and give them something that we thought they would like and they would give us the bag without looking inside of it. I didn't believe them so I said okay and acted like I was walking behind them and took the bag. I ran to Kathryn and we ran back to my house. When we went past the front desk they said we couldn't come back ever again. So I got banned from the public pool. Oh well. Sunday I am going to Miami so I just wanted to tell you I love you and that I'll write again as soon as I get back.
Zoey Gravil

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