4 Revelations

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Lannister looked up from the screen on his desk to the source of the voice, pleased for any distraction that took him away from the increasing reports of skirmishes along the perimeter of the protectorate zone. 

The young woman who stood on the threshold of his office was one of his most trusted Rangers, but also one of the most rebellious and outspoken within the quick response team he had mustered. With a quick nod from him, Ariana crossed the threshold and entered into the room, her gaze casting about the wood panelled walls and various pictures which hung thereon, each depicting glorious scenes from various locations on Earth before the war which had seen most of these places devastated.

With a quick gesture, he signalled to her to retain her silence as he touched the control to revert the screen display back to the call he had on hold.

"Yes Mr Mayor, I can see the reports you have decided to deluge my terminal with, but rest assured I was already aware of the situation on our borders..."

"Then tell me what you intend to do about these scavengers who keep raiding supply trains, keep striking at the labour farms and spread discord amongst the workers," the irate voice from the terminal demanded, cutting across Lannister's words of appeasement.

The commander pursed his lips for a moment and cast a fleeting glance over to Ariana, rolling his eyes slightly as he did so and causing her to diplomatically stifled a chuckle by placing her hand in-front of her mouth.

"Mayor Bicknell," he replied, calling upon his diplomatic training to frame his response. "I am fully committing the resources of this garrison to deal with the problems both from outside and inside this protectorate as we speak. I have ground forces attending the camps and our Rocket Rangers are on constant patrol in the areas which have seen the most activity recently. I have on demand support from the orbital Helios platform as and when it may be required, plus made my immediate superiors on Mars fully aware of the situation, as well as your quite obvious displeasure. I have re-tasked training battalions to provide security cover around our key installations and food plants, as well as provide extra patrols within our core facilities just as an extra measure of safety for yourself and your councillors. I'm not sure what else you wish me to do Mayor."

"I think I should inform you that I have petitioned your commanders to review your performance here, Lannister," the Mayor retorted from the speakers set into the desk. Even though his face was not upon the screen, there was an obvious sneer in the tone he used to deliver his words. "You are too comfortable, resorting to reacting to these threats instead of pro-active measures against these insurgents. In short commander, I have suggested that maybe your efforts are better used elsewhere in favour of us entertaining an officer who will actually curtail these threats."

"That's your opinion," Lannister replied with every ounce of diplomacy being summoned up to deal with his accuser. "My record will stand any scrutiny cast upon it and I'm sure I'll be hearing the results of your... petition very soon. For now Mayor, as you have already pointed out, I'm a very busy man so I'll have to cut this conversation short in order to attend to a matter which has just arisen."

"This isn't over Lann..."

"Goodbye Mr Mayor," Lannister interrupted with a flourish, flicking the control to terminate the channel. 

For a few moments he paused to take a few deep breaths before facing the slightly amused Ranger stood in his office, raising his eyebrow slightly at the sight of the grin upon her face.

"Don't know what you're so cheery about," he muttered with feigned derision at her mirth. "When commanders like me start to feel the heat from pompous windbags like him, then we tend to pass on some of that down the chain to those smirking individuals under our command."

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