Chapter 17. Game on

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hey guys I hope y'all are having a amazing day, sorry for short chapters and long updates. I'm thinking of ideas and chapters to write, sooo without further ado let's get started!


"dude! We're gonna get kicked out plus I feel so dizzy" Eva has been chasing me in circles around my hospital room for the past.. what? Like 10 minutes already and i seriously feel like throwing up, my heart is literally racing. I'm having that feeling where your playing hide and seek and you feel like your hiding or running away from a serial killer.

"well it's not my fault you slept with my boyfriend's sister who's a literal hoe" she death panned from across the room. We're having a stare off while I'm kinda cornered in the left side of the room behind the curtains that provide privacy near some seats.

"Hey! Sophia is hot and she's pretty cool." I responded taking heavy breaths. If I'm being totally honest, Sophia is actually a pretty great person, we have a lot in common and she tells me all the things that happen outside of the hospital and well.. of course we hook up casually when it's midnight and staff take shifts.

Oh and Eva and the others don't actually know that Sophia was being totally honest with me, She told me her past and how she'll sleep with kinda any person. Why you may ask? Well, she had a past relationship where she went to the store to buy her gf a gift for their 2 year anniversary.

When Sophia returned home to surprise her Girlfriend she found her in bed with another women, Drunk and High. She was devastated that day so she drove to a bar and hooked up with some random guys there. She never cared about all the cat calls or disgusting things the men did there since she actually found love for the first time and had returned home to be heart broken.

Ever since that day she just gave up on finding the right person for her. She was always worried that her partner would just give up and get bored of her. If they would make a promise she wouldn't believe it because of her past. It's pretty sad to see someone so committed turn into a absolute wreck and heart broken.

When she saw me she saw potential in our thing we have going on, she wants to try relationships again and make promises. Promises that her partners will stick too, Open up and tell each other the things and problems bothering them. She actually wants to try and build a happy and healthy relationship.

I'm proud of her and I really think I would love to try it with Sophia too. Even if she wants to go slow but continue our hook ups I'm willing to give relationships a try and figure out my problems with maybe my future girlfriend. But little did Anna know there was someone who wanted the same thing but was too afraid hidden in the shadows.

"Anna?" There was a hand waving in front of my face, I Snapped out of my thoughts I looked around and saw Eva in front of me with a curious face. I think I spaced out for quite awhile oops..

"hey, you okay? Did I say something wrong? I'm sorry if I did" I looked down to face Eva properly. I embraced her into a hug and she soon returned it, I tensed up a little bit but got adjusted since I wasn't the type of person to become all soft.

"No, no your okay. You never said anything wrong. It's just.. it.. um." I stuttered backing around from the embrace I walked around Eva and sat back onto the hospital bed that was perfectly made with my old clothes folded on top.

"You okay boon, You know you can tell me anything, right? It's about Sophia isn't it." She returned

"'s about Sophia.. you just don't understand what she goes through. you just judged her as a 'slut' or 'hoe'.. it's bothering me" I spilled. I don't like how people just judge someone from their cover and not reading them, like trying to know them personally. You have to believe that person, if you believe then you can make a change.

That's what Sophia is trying to earn, She's trying to build a relationship with trust, commitment, and dedication. We both have problems in that area so what way to improve it. Is to work on it together. Team building exercises.


Wow, I don't know what happened to Anna but this isn't her. Not the boon I know from Canada. She never had been attached to someone like Sophia, my boyfriend's sister. I mean I don't totally know her but from the looks of it she's really a hoe and I don't care. If she wants to change then okay but she's never gonna change because of the path she choice.

I want Anna and I'm going to get Anna. Even if I have to compete for her. I may have competition if it goes down to this. But so far Sophia is in the lead trying to take my girl. Fair play Sophia but just wait I know how to make you weak. Game on girl, Game on.

Eva is pretty greedy and wants Anna to herself but who knows.. will Sophia change and make a better or will Eva ruin her and take her back into the past?
hope y'all enjoyed this chapter I'm gonna try to update but I have FSA testing on Thursday, anyways have a good day.
952 words

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