Prologue: A new life

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Fort Apache, Arizona

A young Apache girl, with long black hair, stood by the side of an old Pick-up, looking sad

Her grandfather finished placing their last boxes in the trunk of the Pick-up

The old man, whose hair was just as long and black as his granddaughter's, had just lost his job 

However, fortunately, a family friend had just offered him a job at her bar/restaurant

The downside was that this new job was located in Tulsa, Oklahoma and they must, therefore, move and leave their reservation and home 

"The last boxes are stored in the trunk, we will be able to leave ..."

The young girl didn't answer and didn't move

"... Aiyana, my sunshine ?"

The old man moved closer to his granddaughter and put his hands on her shoulders

"I don't want to leave grandpa ... 

- I don't want to leave either, my sunshine, but unfortunately we have no choice ... "

Black Eagle kissed her granddaughter's head 

Aiyana closed her eyes, a tear rolled down her cheek and the memories of the good times spent with her grandfather and grandmother in their house came back to her mind

"Let's go"

The young girl looked one last time at her beloved house and reservation and got into the Pick-up next to her grandfather

Black Eagle started the Pick-up and they left the reservation

The old man was holding back from crying

"Let's go for 14 hours and 49 minutes of travel ...

- Papy, reassure me, you're not going to make the trip all at once "

Black Eagle looked at his granddaughter with a smirk

"Grandpa ...

- Reassure yourself, my sunshine, I will take breaks "

Aiyana nods 

Finally after 18 hours of travel, including breaks, the grandfather and granddaughter arrived in Tulsa 

Black Eagle parked the Pick-Up in front of their new home where Maddie and her wife Amy were already waiting for them

"Maddie" Exclaimed Aiyana, stepping out of the pickup.

"Hey, pretty one !" Maddie hugged the young girl 

"Hello Maddie, Amy

- Hello Black Eagle, did you have a good travel ? " Asked, kindly Amy 

"It was long, very long and tiring but rather yes" Replied the old man, starting to unload the trunk.

"I hope you won't be too tired tomorrow" Joked Maddie

"Don't worry, I could even have started working today"

Maddie and Aiyana looked at each other with a smirk and Amy started helping Black Eagle with the boxes

"Watch out for Geronimo's portrait" Says Black Eagle to Amy  

The young woman nodded

Maddie watched them, smiling 

"Thank you very much for hiring Grandpa in your bar/restaurant

- You don't need to thank me, beautiful, I haven't forgotten what your grandparents did for me when I was a teenager, I could never thank them enough so if I can help you now, I do !" 

Aiyana nodded, knowing Maddie's past

"I hope you'll like Tulsa

- I hope too"

Maddie put her arm over Aiyana's shoulder

"Let's go help your grandfather and Amy"

Aiyana nodded "Yeah !"

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