The Tour Pt. 3

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This chapter has age play/regression and pet play elements. If that's not your thing then see you in the next one!


Rachel's POV

"Why are we looking at a door?" I asked the duo as we stood at the bottom of the stairs.

Quinn and Santana both share a smile before turning towards me in sync. "The basement is a little different than the rest of the house. For that reason, we put a door here so that nobody accidentally stumbles upon anything that they don't want to. It also offers the people who do go inside of here a little more privacy and an overall feeling of safety." Quinn explained.

"I'm a little confused," I admitted to the two girls.

Santana offered a small smile and took one of my hands in hers. "This floor isn't really used for sexual things like the other two floors are. Think of it as a daycare."

"A what?!" Quinn, I was under the impression that you made sure everyone was over the age of 21 here! You have a daycare for parents to leave their kids at a sex club?"

I watched as Quinn chuckled lowly while shaking her head at the ground. "Rachel? Do you seriously doubt the safety procedures that I have put in place? I would never allow for a minor to stumble anywhere near this property. Trust me, what Santana said will make a lot more sense when we actually go inside and see what the basement is for."

"Yeah, that's my bad," Santana said, "I can see how somebody might take that phrase the wrong way."

Although I'm sure I still have confusion written all over my face, I went with it. It wouldn't be the first time I didn't quite understand what is going on, and I'm sure it won't be the last either.

"So, are we going to see it then?"

Santana nodded excitedly, which honestly was slightly off-putting

"Just remember to keep an open mind about this. I swear that we'll explain everything you don't understand." Quinn reminded me.

"Which, to be fair, will be everything," Santana added while opening the door.

Quinn took the lead with me following close behind her. One look at this room and my jaw dropped.


Out of all the assumptions that I could have come up with for what this room was used for, I would have never guessed this. Gone was the darken rooms scattered with whips and chains, this was the complete opposite.

This room made me feel nothing but jealousy because of how wondrous it looked. This was a hangout space that I could only wish I would have had growing up. As soon as we walked through the door, I was met by a huge bookshelf on the right wall with a ladder going up just above it. As I followed the ladder with my gaze, I was met by a huge net that was spread out above us on the ceiling. It looks like space for somebody to go in to sit down or take a nap.

The wall directly across from the door had cubby spaces that were filled with pillows and cool-looking blankets so that people can snuggle up with one of the books that they choose. On top of the cubbies was something that resembled a daybed. There were railings on top of the cubbies and it looks like there is a mat with a few pillows sitting on top of it to add more space for comfort.

I stepped further into the room turning to look at the wall at which the door was located. Next to the door, there was a desk that looked like it was there for writing. There were notebooks on shelves above the desk and a multitude of pens and pencils laying different cups next to it. The seat that went with it looked very comfortable and it also spun around. There were different lights illuminating the area, assuming to make the writing process easier even if the main lights are all off. It all looks very cozy and colorful, the perfect combination to help write what I could only assume would be a fictional Tale.

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