Chapter 8

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Just want to say if there should be trigger warnings please tell me.

What happened before

Suddenly there was a crash..


"Hello?! Anyone there!" i screamed. A dark figure came around the corner but stayed in the shadows, "H-hello?" i stuttered why wouldnt they leave the shadows? Are they scared?

They took a step closer and another shadowed figure came around the corner and tryed to whisper "Shiggggyyyy can i kill them yettt" wait shiggy? Isn't that what tog-... No im not... Im not with the league... Am i?
"No toga." oh god i am.

Why me! "Awwww okay" i believe toga said. Shigiraki and Toga came closer, "We might as well show ourselves SOMEONE gave us away." Toga came skipping uo to me and held a knife to my cheek cutting a short line. "Shiggy why isn't he blood red?" wait what? What does she mean its always been red.


A/N: Im so sorry i haven't updated in ages ive had no inspiration but i tryed also should i make a ship if so please leave some ideas

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