chapter 14

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"Im sorry. What the actual Fuck did you say to me."
Oh shit i really did mess up. Shigaraki steps closer to me and grabs my face
"Don't you ever speak like that to me again or your brother will go with a snap of my fingers do you understand Y/N." I nod my head not wanting to speak, "Good choice."
Shigaraki lets go of my face and walks out of the room leaving me with Toga "Hi there Y/N! You know...your face is symmetrical if i sliced your head in would be so cool!"
Oh god im scared. Um she really is a psycho. Toga starts skipping around the room spinning ever so often , is she alright? I wonder why she turned into a villain. With her quirk she could have been an undercover spy for the hero's pretending to be villains they have captured. "What you thinking about there"
Huh oh yeh shes still in here "nothing. Nothing at all."
"Surreeeee well im of to bed night Y/N~"
Night crazy. Maybe life wont be so bad here if i just dont talk back to people... maybe..

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