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Sasori and Deidara were walking down a pathway why deidara spots somthing in the bushes sasori says " what's the matter" deidara says "I think there's something in the bush,like a wolf or something" they step back and turn around to go back home. Why there walking sasori gives deidara a drink a says to him "drink it it's fine it's root beer" deidara drinks it. Deidara starts to feel a little bit dizzy then deidara says "what did u put in that dr-" Deidara passes out. Sasori picks deidara up and holds him in his arms why they walk all the way home. When they got home sasori sets deidara down on his bed, after that sasori ties him down with ropes, after he does that he waits for deidara to wake up... Finally deidara wakes up and he immediately sees he's tied down then he feels something heavy on him. It's sasori sitting on his waist. Deidara says to sasori " what are we doing let me go sasori what the hell" sasori says to deidara "calm down it will all be over soon" deidara try's to move his arm to free but he can't. Deidara says "LET ME GO NOW YOU BASTERD" Deidara starts wiggling around trying to get out to freedom " sasori grabs Deidaras arms and says "CALM THE FUCK DOWN AND LET ME EXPLAIN" deidara stops moving,sasori says "listen I know you have no idea what's going on right now but I'll just tell you..." " I'm going to tickle you" Deidaras eyes widened they both stay silent until deidara starts moving around and screaming and crying "HELP ME ANYONE HELP ME HELP ME" sasori puts his hand over Deidaras mouth and said " I already see your not going to listen to me so I guess I'll have to get more ropes. Sasori gets off of deidara and goes to the closet to get more ropes why deidara says "NO STOP YOU BASTERD" sasori dosent listen and deidara gets tied down even more. After sasori ties him down even more sasori gets right back up on deidaras waist. Sasori holding his hands out gettting read to attack deidaras stomach,Deidara screams "NO STOP IT NO" sasori strokes Deidaras face why deidara is laying there crying " it's ok baby it will all be over soon ok" sasori counts down from 1 why he has his hands out "1..." "NO" deidara yells "2..." STOPPP" deidara yells again" "1..." Deidara squirms around trying to get to freedom screaming and crying for sasori to stop... "1..." Sasori starts attacking deidara stomach with tickles.Deidara yells "FUCKKKKK NO STOP IT HAHAHA PLEASE STOP NO THERE HAHAHA" as deidara continues to scream stop sasori still keeps going. After already 5 minutes of tickling his stomach deidara starts to whimper sasori says " Awww look who can't get to freedom" deidara starts yelling again for help but his laugh took over his voice " PLEASE STOP PLEASE IM BEGINNING YOU" Sasori says "oh we still have 4 more minutes" Deidaras eyes widened while screaming " WHAT NO PLEASE I CANT TAKE 4 MORE MINUTES OF THIS HAHA" sasori says why tickling harder " well your gonna have to" deidara try's to do everything he can to make him trying to stop the deep tickling "STOP IM GONNA PASS OUT YOUR TOTURING ME" sasori says "Oh you better get used to it cause we still have a long way to go" he says that looking at his feet...

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