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After the 4 minutes was up Sasori stopped tickling Deidaras stomach. Deidara breathed heavily why sasori said " you did very good"deidara said " ok *pant* *pant* you had your fun now get off of me and untie me sasori said " No I'm going to do your feet next" "NOOOOOOO STOP NO NOT THOSE NOO" Deidara says screaming at the top of this lungs crying his head off " Sh sh sh calm down it's ok" says sasori, deidara was squirming and crying to get out of freedom, sasori scooted down to Deidaras feet of wait almost forgot he went to closet got some stock's,rope,black rubbands and a....hairbrush. When deidara saw the hairbrush he started panicking and freaking out, he started squirming and screaming tobis name and crying. Sasori saw deidara toturing himself and said " Calm down everyone is here" and deidara asked " everyone?" the whole akatuski clan walked in. Deidara started screaming " Oh thank god you guys are here he was toturing m- pain cut him off saying " deidara we are all here to hold you down because sasori called us saying that u wouldnt listen deidara started crying saying " I was listening he told me that I did great an-" sasori cut him off " I only said that to make u feel brave" "NOW EVERYONE GET ON HIM" sasori screamed "NO NO NO" deidara yelled, konan got on his arm, hidan got on his other arm, kakuzu held his stomach down, and finally sasori got Deidaras feet in the stocks and took the rubber bands and took his toes and tied his toes together and sasori sat on his legs with the hairbrush... Alright so let's start sasori said, "NO NO NO NO STOP" deidara yelled,hidan said to deidara "do you want me to hold your hand" "FUCK NO" deidara said, "Jesus Christ sorry just offering" hidan said sasori said "alright everyone ready" "YES" everyone yelled why deidara was squirming in fear and pain alright "3...2.." "NO FUCKING STOP" deidara yells " 1..." "NOOOOO" deidara yelled sasori rubbed the hairbrush all over Deidaras feet why he was yelling a and crying for him to stop " HDJSJSKSKSKSHDJDUDHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA STOP I BEG OF U" the whole akatuski was sitting there laughing at deidara struggle, deidara was trying to lift up his body in the air to numb the pain but he couldnt since everyone was sitting on him " STOP FGDHHDDGYYTFDSFGH" I CANT TAKE- deidara yelped why sasori rubbed harder "IT"

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