After midnight

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The moon casted down The Seventh Sea's in Silhouettes, it's light wandered through the wavy streets of Atlantica City. What should have been beautiful decorated houses had been replaced by tents shelters. Real houses were distant memories for those who lived before the death of King Lumo and the defeat of The Water Kingdom. Everything in the streets were quiet, except for the sound of metal from The Western Army's uniforms. Even long past midnight someone had to protect the water people from possible threats.

A single guard stood upon a shelter roof looking over what could've been a breathtaking city softly lighted by the lampposts in the streets and the fire flies swooning over Dolph River. Instead, there was only darkness and the faded sight of sand ground. Behind him in the shadows appeared a middle aged woman with a traditional water braid and glasses at the tip of her nose.
"Officer Dominique, a report?"
The Watertamer turned around at the knowledge of his boss. "Yes, Madam General!" He saluted.
"I've been observing all sides of the streets near RainCastle, nothing seems threatening or suspicious, Madam General." The watertamer reported nervously. Her eyes concentrated as she scanned the officer up and down, checking if he was worth having on the force. He must be one of the new rookie cops The woman thought. she nodded at the young man.
"Alright officer, Check the shelters in group 304, then come back and report to me" She said, eyes boring into his. He gulped loudly.
"Y-yes right away General!" The officer saluted and watched her walk into the shadows again.

The little bit of moonlight shining through the ocean disappeared behind rainy clouds. It was so quiet you could hear the sound of fish swimming outside the barriers.
The officer lighted a lantern, turning around a corner as soundlessly as possible. There was nothing to see or hear, yet something made him stay and listen. Shadows ran over his head in a cold breeze, Atlantica City had always been lonely for an officer on night swift. Something felt wrong this night though.

His heartbeat roared in his ears as he estimated the empty space. Sand, a couple muslins, some wood from a fireplace and other kitchen stuff, was laying beneath his feet. Leaning against the wall, he signed and continued his swift. There was nothing to fear, nothing to do, until a blurry blanket spread through the air.
Curious, he sniffed in a sharp smell. As Panic arose he began running through the city, until his eyes landed on something that definitely did not belong there. He stopped dead in his tracks. A huge line of a mix between orange and gold enlightened the military camps. He remained still, too shocked to do anything else than watch in horror as the recognisable element flowed up towards the surface, ruining everything it could get its hands on. A loud bang signalled that something was either broken or someone was banging through a door, the new officer didn't know which was which at the point.
"FIRRREEEEEE!!!!" A strong voice alarmed. General Trydelle sprung into action without wasting any more time. She ran into the "buildings" to get everyone out of there, some officers, soldiers, people on the force came by to help. The officer on night swift recovered from his lack of focus, running in to evaluate everyone with the general's help. After everyone was out safely, General Trydelle started using water to slow the fire. Her stubbornness mirrored the fire that angrily sprung around adding more flames. More police officers joined in with their water abilities.
General Trydelle guided an amount of water inside the barrier and formed it into a long water steam, leading it in past the other Watertamers, past half-burned tents and gathered it all into 1 gigantic bubble right over the heart of the fire. With her hands clasped together in front of her, she took a heavy deep breath. Slowly in... slowly out... slowly in... slowly out. She unclasped her hands spreading them both to each sides of her body. Soon a gigantic water bubble overshadowed the place, hovering right above the flames, before pouring all the water down onto the fire. The battle against the fire continued on for what felt like hours to the soldiers. Many of the police officers had a guess on who was the guilty sinner of this event.
Most of them came to the agreement that it could only be one person who was cruel enough to commit such crime on the colonies. The General of The Security Force and Captain of Lannis Stone, no other than General Lannis.
Everyone who had lived for the past twenty years knew exactly who did it with such kind of style. This was their warning of war, a reminder to them that the rivalry between the two elements still existed until this day. The difficulty of killing the fire was enough to see The Fire Empire's work. Their methods could be almost as barbaric as The Evil Queen's herself.
The woman watched as her policemen treated to the injured's wounds, she tried not to fall apart in front of her employees. She knew what was coming next, she had to inform every town and every city of what had happened tonight. She straightened her posture as she remembered her Queen's words:
Trydelle's doesn't fail, they learn, we face what we fear and engage in the truth, we are a bloodline build on family. Remember General; a Trydelle doesn't bend down a knee to anybody.

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