A Dream is not reality, but who decides which is which?

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It was yet another day under the surface. The servants in RainCastle were already busy, with fulfilling their duties of the day, long before the sun had reached the deepest of the sea. The Queen Regent had probably already started her usual morning-meeting with the members of The High Court. Although The Queen was nearly seventy-nine years old, she never rested her mind before she had everything under control, while she was The Queen Consort, it was usually her who took care of the high political meetings, not because King Adrian wasn't competent enough, but purely because he grew up in a poor fisherman's family. Only his wife had the educational knowledge from the grand opportunities her birthplace provided for her since childhood, to understand everything that was laid on the table.

I hadn't slept much the past few nights, the same nightmares kept plaguing my mind night after night. It was the same nightmare I had since I was fifteen, the Queen's Head Mistress had told me to go to someone about them, but I hated the idea of others dealing with my problems.
So I kept it to myself.

"How long is this gonna take Blood Traitor?!" The Princess asked, disturbing the silence between us.
"It is almost done Your Highness" I replied with a soft voice.
My hands were carefully working on tying the ribbons along the ponytail-braid. I could smell the expensive perfume she was using, a mix between cinnamon, vanilla and rosemary. A sharp scent with a hint of sweetness, reminding me a bit of The Enchanted Lands.
After preparing the Princess for the day, I went on with my duties. The chores were boring and tiring, I hoped there would come a day where my hard work would pay off, yet I didn't let my hopes get up far too much, I truthfully deserved nothing in exchanges. Servants were to serve, not own, so much I had learned.

Out of the last 6 living members of The Royal Family, there was one person who didn't care if I was a Blood Traitor or a maid. That person was The King Consort, Adrian Dolph Trydelle. His daughter found me on the streets in the Underground when I was fifteen, he was the one who brought me here and partially adopted me into their family. Unlike his other family members he always saw me as a part of the family. He even let me call him "Grandpa" when no-one else was around.
Ever since Queen Aquatina became Queen Regent the old man spent most of his time either in his laboratory or his observatory.

The Observatory wasn't far away from the castle, but I needed to ride on my spirit animal to get there in time. The observatory was like King Adrian's second home, whether he needed a break from royalty, his family or simply let curiosity get the best of him, he went there. On the upper floors it was an observatory, on the lower it was a laboratory, a practical combination for someone as science-Hypnosen as him.
During my break I decided to ride on my Polar-Wolf-hawk to the observatory. A Polar-Wolf-Hawk was a mix between a Polar-bear, a Wolf and a hawk. It was technically a big white Wolf with Crystal blue eyes, Polar-bear paws, big wings and blue water patterns on its forehead. Mainly the water elements symbol: the golden-and-silver Northstar, was tattooed just above her eyes in blue paint instead of gold and silver. Bonding with a Polar-Wolf-hawk was only something a royalty had managed to do, they were extremely rare spirit animals, so they were always careful and had very specific tastes when it came to bonding with a Watertamer or Watermaster. My spirit animal's name was Nixie. A strong yet adorable female who I was brought to the first time I came to RainCastle. The poor girl had such difficulty with being among new people and the Trydelle's other polar-Wolf-hawk's and they hoped someone could bond with her to help her out. In some miraculous way we had some sort of connection to which she willingly accepted. And now we were here, in front of the King's laboratory and observatory.
It was a huge building of course. Big, blue, round roofed, with a gigantic horoscope sticking out of one side of the roof. I climbed down from the huge animal and placed her somewhere near the building so she didn't have to freeze outside in the cold temperature of The Seventh Sea. There were guards standing on patrol in front of the main doors, it wasn't usually a problem since I was always welcome in there.
Once inside I took a look at the entrance. He had finally got someone to re-paint the walls, the bright blue had more or less peeled off from the almost thirty-eight years of serving King Adrian.
The observatory was not only an escape place for me, it was also my secret home. The people of the work-class normally wasn't allowed to get involved with their masters, but those visits I had here were done outside of those rules. Here I could talk about my every day life and get some quality time with my adoptive Grandfather, without The Queen or anyone else being able to disturb us.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2022 ⏰

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