Yes lets do the game!

32 1 4

"Kairi:Midnight game ritual?"

Midni: oh heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeck no hup! *digs heels into Wolf BEN's side*

Wolf BEN: ARF! *runs*

Lyla: "Let's do it! Don't be such a wuss, Midni. I got a pen and needle so we could do our names

Midni: *middle fingers* nope!

Carrie: Don't do it.... Minx: we have to? Jinx: YES let's do it

Mineraft-Ok! lets get started! *Sets up the ritual* ok so i put a salt circle so if your candle goes out and you cant relight it befor 10 seconds you get in the circle and stay there untill we are all in the circle or the time runs out. Just to warn you guys you should have a salt shaker with you incase if you wonder off..and yes this ritual does work cause i have done it before!


Queen-Hmm? Baby? Can we go to your dorm it noisy here *rolls over*



Giggle: (not mimicking slendys) *follows masky*. "Can I have a piggie back ride?"


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