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Jinx: Maybe Slendy? cuz if your father is like Slendy or Zalgo you can't be the proxy of ur father right?

Minecraft-Probably...unless my playing that we can rule the world together bit again.....No...*sighs* lets go see slendy....

Abby-*suddenly remembers* t-t-that sign was on a high security areas door at the lab I was wandering around when I walked in and saw a baby girl with these symbols all over her body *suddenly a symbol shaped scar glows on my neck I fall starting to choke twitch and have seizures*

Minecraft- O-O uh.....crap! *Grabs arm* Ow! *Runs off*

Masky-O-O *Trys to run after her and falls* Ow....*Grabs knee*

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