Learn about us

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"So uhh once upon a time, we knew a very familiar type of creature, one that you might not know about. The main colors of the creature are, black, purple, and red. The creature is quite creepy but then cute at the same time, plus we have raised this creature since before it hatched out of its unique egg. The creature loves to be around lots of us dragon riders, seeing as he is a dragon." said Abigail.
"Us dragon riders train our whole lives to tame and ride dragons. We also have our own dragons, we just happened to raise an extra Dragon together. Each dragon, like ourselves, has their own abilities." Said Vailey.
"Hey Vailey shouldn't we talk about ourselves?"
"Yeah I guess we should stop talking about dragons and start talking about ourselves."
"We will get back to the dragons later, after all they are a huge part of our story right Sis?"
"You are correct, Abigail."
"So where to start, we could start at birth or ev-"
"How about we just say the important stuff about ourselves, okay?"
"Yeah you're probably right, you can start!"
"My name is Vailey, i’m 18, and i basically ride and tame dragons for a living."
"I'm Abigail, I'm 16, and I just got My Dragon, I also haven't found my soulmate yet. Hey sis, did you find your soulmate?"
"Oh Abigail, you should know by now that I don't really care about having a soulmate."
"Oh right, well do you wanna say our species or should i?"
"I’ll say it, we may be dragon riders but we are also nature Elves"
"Yep, we all get soulmates too, and we stop school at age 17 to become dragon trainers or whatever we were meant to specify!" said Abigail.
"Like for example, me; I studied and trained how to tame the wild dragons so that they are safe for the trainers and riders to handle their dragon." Vailey responded.
"I'm studying how to be a dragon rider, and I'm training to be in the dragon riders fighting elite. Basically they are dragon riders who protect our home, so as you see V and I have two of the most dangerous jobs."
"That is correct, I have to handle the wild and crazy dragons while Abby has to protect us all from other nations."
"As you can also see, V is the more mature one, oh yeah we also forgot to say that we have two older brothers, or I do at least V is the second oldest."
"Yes, I am the second oldest, and a lot more mature than my other three siblings but in all we still always get along in the end."
"Yeah we only try to kill each other most of the time, but not all the time."
"Enough about how we act around our other siblings, let's get back to the topic"
"Yes your right, im sure they want us to stop explaining and get to the story, and the Dragons." Abigail stated.
"Precisely" Vailey responded with a smile. 

"Our story started when our parents left to save our home, but they never came back, so in the end Leo and Vailey ended up becoming our parents, but to me it was like i had three parents, seeing as I am the youngest."
"I was hit quite hard when they never came back home like they promised since i was about 8 at the time and i was really close to our parents." Vailey decided to add.
"I was only six so i was extremely confused, max was seven, as V said she was eight, and leo was 10. Though we dont have many memories of our parents we still know a lot about them. I never gave up on the hope that they were alive"
"Abby, you *sigh* nevermind" Says the youngest brother, Max. 
"Max, we all know that that you still miss them" Says the oldest sibling, Leo.
"You two drama 'queens' shut it," Said Vailey.
"Whatever imma go, i'm sure that starlight is waiting for me." (Abigai's personal dragon)
"I’m coming with," Vailey said.
"I don't want to deal with them today, but I'm flying off alone."

      // A/N //
Sorry that this chapter is so boring. We promise that the next chapter will have lots more action in it, Plus thats when the story tecnally starts sooooo yeah.

@Wywy2019 says that this started as a word game and we ended up making it into a story
Also the characters I made are Vailey, Leo, and a third character that will show up in the next chapter, and Wywy's characters are Abigail, Max, and again a third character that'll show up in the next chapter.

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