The Explosion

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Abigail's POV

When Max yelled at Leo I wasn't expecting it, I knew he was upset and i only pushed him. I wanted to let him cool off so I decided to go see Starlight. 
I remember when I found her egg in the woods, I was like 15, I was so excited but Leo, Max, and Vailey all thought I should be careful, that we don't know what kind of dragon she is. After about a month of waiting for her to hatch, she reached me in my mind.
We would communicate a lot, and after a while she even learned english, and then the day came, she finally hatched, i was so happy, and so was she.
For a little over a year, She has been not only my Dragon, but my only friend. She is the only one who knows why I wanted to train to be in the Dragon Riders Fighting Elite, or for short, the DRFE. 
not even my siblings know the reason. You see i said i have never given up hope that our parents were alive, but it was more than that, i had this feeling in my gut.
i KNOW they are alive, and i'm gonna find them… oh and i forgot, all dragon riders can communicate telepathically with their Dragons, but only there's no others, seeing as the Dragon has to allow you, but me and V were an exception because we can communicate with one other dragon…
::I go over to find Starlight playing with a dead fish that she caught.
// Starlight you wanna go for a fly// i call. 
// Are you alright? You only go for night flys if your upset.// she answers
//yes i will be, we were talking about our parents, and i said i never lost hope, and max was saying something but stopped, and he and leo got into an argument and max was saying they were dead over  and over, but i'll be fine i just need to feel the air on my face.// 
// im sorry Abby, do you want to ride saddle or bareback?//
//Lets do bareback, it is more free//
We fly for a few Hours, i feel the cool night breeze in my hair and i feel free. Until i see riders from Havorie Village, they look like there gonna attack. And i'm flying right towards them, luckily I always have my daggers on me. 
// stay calm star// I yell
// i am but hold on// she reassures 
We crash into them, and they keep throwing attacks at me, from my left, my right. I'm able to dodge them all, and even throw attacks of my own. I even strike a couple guys. Then suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my right side, I looked down only to see blood, I was stabbed. 
Indeed she does soar down, soon we are over our town and the riders are gone, however i cant keep holding on. I start slipping, and suddenly starlight isn't  under me anymore. 
I'm falling and I close my eyes ready to take an impact, when all of a sudden I feel arms wrap around me. I look up to find a guy I don't know, he is maybe 18 at the oldest. I think to myself  
he is cute.
"Are you alright, you took quite a hit." He asks me looking worried 
I want to respond, but it all goes black.

Main POV
"I'm an idiot" Max yells
"Yes. Yes you are, you made both of our sisters run off just because you had another one of your stupid meltdowns about our parrents being gone. I know we all know they're gone but we still need to not let Abby’s hopes down. We need her, and she needs us, so please think before you have another one of your meltdowns." Leo lectures 
"I know I know, okay, I shouldn't have said that, but she needs to accept the fact that they're gone, the sooner the better. I don't want to see her get crushed when the truth hits her like it did us. I don't want to see any of you  guys get hurt." Max says as he hangs his head.
"I’m sure she knows that they're gone but she just doesn't want to believe it." Leo tried to sound understanding  
"Your right" admits Max
"I know I’m right, but it has been a few hours since the girls left, should we go and try to find them soon? Just to see if they're okay?" Leo asks sounding worried
"Let's give it 30 more minutes, I'm sure they're fine." Max responds
"Okay, fine then but once 30 minutes have passed I am going to find them" Leo says 
",Me too bro me too, trust me im worried about them too, but they are usually gone most of the night, sometimes all night. So i'm trying to stay positive. However we can send our dragons to look for them now, and after 30 minutes we will head out too." Max tries to stay positive 
"Okay fine then. But if anything, I mean anything happens to ether one of them, you will be the one to blame." Leo says without hesitation 
"I know" Max says feeling guilty
"Great, so should we go and send our dragons to search for them now?" Asks Leo
"I already called Tanin" (Dragon in arobic) max smiles
"Okay i'll go tell Chico now" (Arrow; Pledge in japanese) Leo rolls his eyes
"Great.." *Silence then a boom*
"Max, do you know what that was? Or where it came from exactly?"
"No but i'm not gonna stand around and wait to find out" 
"So let me guess, you’re gonna hide like you always do?" Leo says sarcastically 
"I meant i was gonna go and find the source of the sound idiot" an angered max responds
"Oh wow, that's a first, first time something happened that you didn't go run and hide"
"I was only in training okay i didn't know what to do and if i remember right you were the one telling me to take Abby to hide with her incase something happened. I never wanted to hide idiot"
"Whatever you say stupid"
"Are we really going to stand around and argue during a time like this."
"Geez being realistic for once, I’m just waiting for Chico to hurry up and get here"
*they hear a dragon roar but its not theirs*
"We should go and check that out" Says leo 
*just as that is said both of their dragons come and land at their sides*
"Tanin what's wrong boy" asks max
"Find that out later, we need to go and see what's going on" 
*Leo hops onto Chico’s back, and a few moments later Chico flies into the air* "Max, hurry up and let's go."
*Max gets on Tanin and they take off. After a few minutes of flying the see lots of fire going in a large circle, indicating that there was just an explosion* 
"We need to find the girls NOW" Max yells
"You mean, find Abby? Vailey is over there" points max
*a dragon flying towards them from the distance and they notice that the person riding the dragon is Vailey*
"Vailey where the hell is abby?" Yells max 
*worry sets in as they can't find their sister.. A few moments later they see Starlight, but without their sister*
"Where is she? Starlight, take us to her… please" vailey calmly asks
*Abby’s dragon, Starlight, leads them to the ground, away from the explosion site. They notice another dragon and another person next to their unconscious sister*
"Max, calm down. It looks like that person is trying to help Abigail." Says Vailey 
"Oh so Abigail is her name. Well your brother is right, I found her falling off her dragon, it looks like she was stabbed, and my name is Ash by the way." Ash calmly states 
"Thank you for catching her. I’m Vailey, the idiot one who was shouting is Max, and the other idiot is Leo." Vailey says
"Sorry and thanks, she is just our baby sis and I get over protective." Apologizes max
"We should take her somewhere where someone can get her healed and then ask her what happened" responds leo
"My mother will know how to heal her." Ash says standing up holding Abigail 
"Amazing, lead us to her please. Also I’ll have Abby ride on my dragon with me." Vailey says
"O-oh um i don't mind her riding with me." Ash responds nervously 
"Yeah, no. you’re just some random dude that we just met. Vailey will have Abby with her." Leo chimes in
"Right, I understand I'm sorry, and my house is this way, it will be a couple hours yet." Ash says handing Abigail to Vailey
*he hops on his dragon*
"It’s fine, just lead the way" vailey says taking Abigail 
*After one hour of flying with another hour left, Abigail wakes up*
"HEY GUYS! ABBY’S AWAKE!!" Yells Vailey 
"Hmm why are you yelling, and where are we? akkk" *she cries in pain
"Calm down, we’re getting you some help" vailey says calmly 
"O-oh, who is that, i need to talk to him" a groggy Abigail says
"You can talk to him later, first how are you feeling" ask a concerned leo
"Like i just got stabbed and woke up to find im in the air" 
"Fair enough, my name is ash, and you should know my special ability is to read minds, and I can communicate telepathically to anyone, and any dragon." Responds ash
*as he said that he looks back at Abigail and winks, seeing as the first thing she thought was :hes cute: 
Abigale blushes then again cries in pain and almost passes out
"Hey hey take it easy" Says max 
"You should get some rest until we can get you healed" Says ash
"I-ok your right" responds Abigail hopelessly 
*She falls asleep, after some time they get to Ash’s house, they all get off of their dragons, and Vailey puts Abigail on her back"
*So this is your house? Its nice* says Vailey kindly 
"I also agree, it's quite a beautiful house" Says Leo respectfully 
"Cool dude you got a pool!"  max states excitedly
"WAIT HE DOES?!?!?! Amazing" Yells Leo excitedly 
"Hmmm what's all the yelling about, and why are they running over to a pool?" Questions Abigail 
"Don’t worry, it's just the boys being boys" Says Vailey
"They’re idiots" states Abigail
"Agreed they are stupid idiots, though now we should get you healed" Says Vailey
"Agreed, MOM WE NEED HELP" Ash yells
"I can walk you know i didn't get stabbed in my legs" Abigail says restlessly 
"Don’t care, i'm carrying you because I’m aloud to" Says vaily
"mmhmm" Abigail rolls her eyes
"Abigail, don't be sassy to me"
"I'll be sassy because im aloud to" Abigail says sarcastically 
"Ahh i see your feeling better" laughs ash
"Hey Abby they have a pool!!!" Max says excitedly 
"Max, I don't think she really cares that there is a pool" Says Vailey 
"I don't, I really don't, but I want to walk, wait… WHERE IS STARLIGHT, IS SHE OKAY?" Abigail panics 
*she panics remembering the fight*
"Abby calm down, Starlight is safe" vailey says calmly 
"Then where the hell is she, and why won't you let me down." Says Abigail  
"She’s back in our town and fine i'll let you down" Vailey tries to calm her down
*Vailey lets Abigail off of her hack*
* abigale stumbles then ash catches her and she regains balance*
"Woah easy there" Says ash
*Just a few moments later Ash’s mom, Molly, walks over to everyone*
"Oh my! What happened to the dear girl? She’s bleeding like crazy." Says Molly (ashes mom)
"I don't know what happened i saw her falling from her dragon and caught her" Says ash
abigail tries to walk but can't and she screams in pain almost passing out and again ash catches her
"Yah no your not walking." Ash says still holding her
"IM FINE" Yells Abigail 
"Sweetie, don't lie to yourself, you know that you’re not fine, so don’t lie about that" Says Molly flatly 
"I need to see starlight, make sure she is okay, make sure she didn't get cut or stabbed, I'm fine i-im fine. Just let me call her, I know she isn't far, I sense she wouldn't leave me alone." Abigail says angrily 
"Abby, she stayed in the town because she knew you weren't alone, you’re with your siblings, and  I promise you she’s not hurt whatsoever" Vailey says once again
"Sis calm down and let us help you, please." Max says worried 
"I agree, just let us help you. Abigail just remember we all love you and we would also make sure that Starlight is not hurt" Leo says
"You all sense your dragons when they're near, it's what dragon riders do, I can sense she is close, so WHY DON'T YOU BELIEVE ME. you want to help me, then let me call her, i'm calmer with her near, you know that." Abigail yells
"Abigail, look nobody said that you couldn't call her to come to you, its just that when we left she went back to our town, but who knows she could have followed us the whole time" vailey says calmly 
*she tries to call her dragon*
"Why isnt it working, LEO WHATS GOING ON AGG"* she cries in pain*
"Abby, calm down. Would you like me to fly around for a few minutes and see if i can find her near?" Leo says worried 
"I-i don't know i- i just, what's happening to me." *she cries because she's scared, she buries her face in ashes shirt*
"Sweetie, everything will be okay. Now would you allow me to heal you before your wound gets infected with anything?" Molly asks
"Mom she's burning up, is that normal?" Asks ash
“Actually no, that's not normal, their must've been something on the object that caused the wound, like maybe the object might have had poison or something on it” molly says this with a worried look on her face.
“M-my head, it h-hurts, and I can't smell, I'm scared V.” says Abigail weakly
“Abby, it'll be okay. We’ll get you healed soon, i promise” Bailey reassures her.
“Ash dear, would you please bring her inside so I can heal her? Then afterwards you can hang out with these nice people that you also brought with you” Molly smiles
“Sure mom, but i'm not leaving her side, there is something about her, and i just can't” Ash says.
“I-i don't feel so good” says bailey as she passes out
“Ash, you know I’ll get distracted so at least just wait outside of the door” molly replies
“Fine, i'm sure her siblings will want to wait there as well” says Ash defeatedly
“Of course we will, she is our baby sister, NOW DO SOMETHING.” Max says with common sense
“Geez Max, don't yell at them and calm down, we’re all worried” leo replies 
“Your right, im sorry” max apologizes
Ash takes Abigail inside, Molly follows so she can heal Abigail*\
a few short moments later, Molly starts to heal Abigail, and quickly learns that Abigail was stabbed with a weapon that was coated in poison, Abigail begins to wake up 
“W-wah, where is everyone?” Abigail says
“Oh? You’re awake. Everyone is outside waiting for me to finish healing you, and for me to continue doing that I would like for you to please stay calm and by trying not to move too much” Molly says calmly
“Alright I'm sorry” says a tired Abigail.
“Don’t be, also I’m almost done healing your “ molly says reassuringly
after a few more minutes Molly finished healing Abigail’s wound
“There ya go sweetie, I’m done now, just promise me that you’ll take it easy from now on” molly smiles
“Define ‘take it easy’, and for how long? I'm training to be in the drfe so i can't make any promises, but i will certainly try.” Abigail says. 
“Just try to not get hurt in life threatening ways anymore,” Molly says, trying to stay calm. 
“Yah that would be nice, thank you for healing me, but can i ask you something about your son?” Abigail replies.
“Hmm? Sure, go ahead and ask away” says Molly as shes cleaning up.
“Why do i feel this connection to him, i only just met him.” abigail asks.
“Have you already gotten your soulmate yet sweetie?” says a hopeful molly. 
“No I haven't.” Abigail thinks she knows where this is going.
“That might be the reason, my son Ash, he hasn't gotten his yet because he never interacts with anyone around his age” and Abigail was right.
“Haha it's likely, but time will tell, may i ask, why was i feeling my dragon was near, when she clearly wasn't, what exactly was on that dagger.” Abigail tries to change the subject, and succeeds. she does this as she sits up.
“Don’t freak out but there was some form of poison that I haven't learned about yet, but I did manage to get all of the poison out of your bloodstream” Molly says calmly.  
“Thank you.*to herself* they were coming towards me, ready to fight is it likely they were targeting me?” says Abigail mostly to herself.
“Your siblings are still waiting for you, you should go out and greet them so that they’ll know that you're doing better” Molly says nodding towards the door.
“Oh right thank you again”Abigail opens the door, only to find ash, max and leo fall toward the ground and Vaily stepping over them shaking her head 
“Those two idiots have to be related to me” says vailey
“I agree, but to my understanding, there are three idiots on the ground. Also nice to see u sis now that i can actually walk” They both laugh as the boys get up off the ground.

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⏰ Última actualización: May 18, 2021 ⏰

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