Chapter One

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Read the author's note at the bottom for a special announcement!


The next day, which happened to be a Wednesday, Indigo did all she could to avoid going to her locker. She carried her books with her everywhere only risking the venture when she almost dropped her chemistry project in the hall. Fortunately, though Indigo saw Libby, Libby never saw Indigo. Each time she almost made eye contact with the smaller girl her heart almost leaped completely out of her chest.

When Indigo's favorite time of the day finally rolled around she rushed to the rink. After changing like usual she plugged in her iPod and gracefully slid around the rink to warm up. The usually cold air seemed to be slightly warmer and Indigo could feel the day's worries rush away.

Hours flew by and soon enough Indigo was exhausted and ready to go home. She skated hard. Trying to perfect almost all of her moves to put together into the final piece for the championships. Indigo was already a nervous wreck. Her mom constantly nagged her to calm down and focus on life. "Not everything is about skating, Honey," she constantly reminded her.

The music still pounding through the speakers in the rink, Indigo stripped off her skates and walked back to the locker room to get changed. She froze when she heard whistling coming for inside. She swung open the door and peered inside. Libby's ginger hair was a dead give away it was her. She had a broom firmly gripped in her hand while she whistled along to the music playing in the rink.

Unaware of Indigo's presents she continued to sweep and whistle. Indigo watched from the door almost fascinated. She couldn't draw her eyes away from the, she had to admit, very pretty girl.

As the final chords of the song rang out Libby suddenly spun around. Indigo didn't have time to act like she was just walking in and was trapped. She stepped all the way into the locker room and stuttered. "I-Uh, was just coming to get dressed. You know, if you don't mind."

The red headed girl nodded and awkwardly moved toward the door. She pulled on the handle and froze. "Hope?" She whispered. "Uh, did you happen to hit the lock when you were standing there?"

Indigo thought. How long had she even been there? She figured she could have messed it up. "Um. I don't know, why?" She tried to sound calm and confident but knew she probably failed.

Libby turned to look at her. "We're locked in."

At those words Indigo's blood ran cold. She had to go home! She couldn't stay here with her!

Libby began to breath hard. She pulled her phone out of her pocket to call for help. Indigo already knew that Libby probably had no service. Indigo had never in the however many years she had been skating.

Libby gave a small whimper of despair when she realized this. She slowly sank to floor as Indigo continued to change. She pulled on her school jeans and t-shirt. She just hoped that Libby wouldn't recognize it from earlier in the day.

Once fully clothed she began to think of a plan. The door was locked for sure. Libby had spent several minutes on the floor trying to pull and push it open. No windows were I the locker room, that both girls knew for certain. And Libby had made sure to inform Indigo on how stupid she had been when she left her tool belt in the tool room.

"How about we just make the best of this situation?" Indigo was surprised to hear herself say.

"What do you mean?" The smaller red-haired girl said. Her eyes crinkled at the corners and she tilted her head to the side in confusion.

Indigo thought. She really didn't know. "Um, I don't know. We could play a game or something." Libby gave Indigo a funny look.

"How are we supposed to play a game? It's not like either of us brought a game board." Libby's voice was suddenly sharp and cold. Indigo suddenly wondered what she had done wrong and she didn't bother to respond.

Minutes of silents went by. Music could still be heard pounding in the rink. She wondered if somebody would come by to lock up and notice it playing. Maybe they wouldn't be stuck in here too long.

Indigo tried to intertwined herself by playing Zig Zag on her phone but it soon became frustrating and she hastily closed the app. She glanced up at Libby. Libby was sitting up against the far wall scrolling through something. She also looked irritated but possibly for another reason.

Slowly, as Indigo watched Libby, Libby became less interested in her phone. When she finally looked up she met Indigo's eyes.

"Hope, I'm really sorry I snapped at you. I know this isn't your fault." Indigo nodded. "Why don't we play Truth or Dare?"

Indigo wondered why Libby hadn't thought of that before when she was suggesting to play a game but wasn't going to question it. "Ok, fine."

Libby sat still for a minute as if not sure how to start this. "Oh, you can start." She gestured to indigo with her hand.

"Ok... Um, why did you decide to move here?"

Libby smiled. "That's not how you play Truth or Dare."

Indigo felt stupid. Her cheeks flamed red. "Oh, sorry. I forgot." To be honest, Indigo had no idea how to play this common game. It's not like she had much time to herself or to watch TV. Overall she really had no idea how to do a lot of things.

"It's totally fine. Do you want me to go?" Indigo nodded, looking down into her lap. "Ooh, ok. Truth or Dare?" The red headed girl asked.

Indigo looked up, "Um, how about truth?" Her statement ended in more of a question that a statement and Libby smiled.

"What to ask, what to ask. Hmm, ok, who's your celebrity crush?" The smaller girl met Indigos eyes and winked.

Not sure how to answer she replied, "Evan Lysacek."

"I'm sorry, who?" Libby looked very confused.

Indigo could felt the heat rising in her cheeks again. "He's,uh, a figure skater." She looked down in her lap again.

"Oh, cool. Ok, up your turn." Libby's rosy cheeks turned up in a smile again. Indigo was almost transfixed.

"Truth or Dare," Indigo stated.

"I'm gonna go with truth," Libby said almost mischievously. Indigo felt herself smile. What was up with her, she never smiled unless she was on the ice?

"Fine. Now can I ask what did you move here?" Libby smirked.

"Yes, now you can. And the answer is my dad's work. He's a mechanic and the shop that her owned in his old town wasn't doing so well. He decided he wanted a new start so we moved here. I guess it's ok, well school's not but anyway," Libby finished.

Indigo wanted to immediately ask what was wrong with school but knew she had to wait her turn but she never got the chance. Libby went to speak but the locker room door swung open.

A man probably about thirty stood in the doorway. "Oh, hi girls. The door was locked, huh?" The girls glanced at each other and grabbed their things. The man let them out and shut the door behind them. Indigo pulled out her phone. 9:30!

Indigo began to walk faster. She had to get home and go to bed. How was it already that late? It didn't seem like she was in the locker room for two and a half hours.

Indigo grabbed her things in such a rush, she forgot about her iPod. Libby tried to rush after her to give it to her but it was too late. "I'll get it to her tomorrow," Libby whispered out loud.

She just had to find her.

Hey everybody! How are you?

It's been way too long! Oops, I guess that's my fault, huh?

Anyway, my original plan for this book was for the reads to go up and eventually I would tell you guys something but I've changed my mind. So if this book gets 10 votes I'll add another chapter to my Tag! You're it! Book telling you guys it so possibly this weekend!

Love you,


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