isekaid by truck-kun

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Before meeting truck kun our two protagonists/antagonists it basically a 50/50 right now.

Well there was lou who was just your regular assassin in real life getting a target half the money killing the target getting the rest

And there was levi who was a merc (mercenary) who did dirty work for money and his rate was world class of 5 million every 10 kills

Most places would end up doubling or tripping his rate because of the sheer amount of kills he had

But like any couple who had a criminal underbelly they looked acted and seemed like normal people so vot were holding hands smiling laughing lou had on a oversized hoodie with the sleeves over her hands flopping about whilst singing

"Bitch im a ghost bitch im a ghost ill haunt you cause bitch im a ghost."

Levi just smiled an gave a little head bonk and kissed her

"Your fuckin dorable i hope you know that baby."

Then they were interrupted by a honk and the world went black

Both apered in an abyss neither were that afraid they do literally work with the threat of death hanging over them constantly

"Ok is there a god or something or are we just trapped in purgatory because we are to evil for heben and way more evil than the devil themselves"

A echo voice apered "you are correct to assume you are in purgatory but im here to offer a deal there's a world wich will be on the brink of destruction and I want you two to stop it."

Both piped up just then and there "ok unless water goddes." And then Highfield each other and started muttering complmets to eachother

The deity apered and made a biological formation

"I'm not a god of water- never mind you will be going to this world now."

"Hold up wait a muinet aren't we supposed to get cool isekai broken cheat weapons or something?"

The god looked towards them rather perplexed "nope you only keep the skills you have now get new bodies go to the same school cause I have a feeling I would die if I sperated you two oh and don't worry about the language barrier it'll be implmetend into your brain to act like the main one it will basically be a switch bye now."

As they snapped their fingers levi and lou muttered two difrent things "damn right id kill you usless water godes."

And lou muttered "the unless water godess acted like a Steph."

And so they were entered into a whole new world

(Timeskip a few years or so only like a measly 16 years.)

Both of our your g teens stepped into the school and headded up the mountain "i can't beleive our bodies have altered this much i mean it probably doesn't help that we do work out sessions together."

Lou was still stood at about 5'4 but had a nice swimmers build and toned Abbs and some huge boobage "yeah our bodies have changed like your some how hotter." He quickly turned to her

"No you sexy." He was stood at 6'1 with more of a bulky build but still on a balanced side.

"What do you think they are going to think of us."

Lou hummed to herself "well we haven't seen nagisa or karma in a while but why did we imedietly get slapped into the E class."

He just deadpanned at her and she gasped

"Ohhhh I forgot we are dumb as fuck."

Levi sighed and pet her head as she hummed happily she was the more fluffy cutesy not threatening one of the tow of them

Levi on the other hand brought his bad habits with him like his scary ass resting face smoking and being a plain old delinquent

He then saw the wooden cabbin and started rolling a smoke as he stepped in the door he lit it and took a drag and put on the resting face whilst lou was skipping and humming to herself

They got to their door and lou knocked it was opened and they were faced with a relatively feeble looking man who was the teacher

He smiled kindly at lou and looked fearfully upon levi he smirked whilst taking another drag flicking some of the ash off lou stepped into the class first and he heard people turning to look at her and he then leant under the door frame ad stepped in looking upon the class with a scary smile on his face

The tempriture dropped int the room and allot of people looked scared of him it was like a demon was observing each and every one of their souls as his eyes flicked between people lou then waived up at him

"Your scaring the children levi."

He smiled ever so warmly at her and took another drag and held it down to her she also took a drag
"Not my fault they all assumed I was a delinquent."

Nagis recognised those voices and looked up from his book and shouted

"Levi, lou is that you!"

She then passed the smoke back up to levi he took a drag and smirked "sure is kid."

He quickly walked up to them and hugged lou whilst smiling and then motioned downwards

Levi leant down to his level and he proceeded to hug him as well

"Missed you to nagisa."

Lou wiped dome fake tears away and said "so emotional so sexy...threesome time?"

Levi looked around the class he enjoyed what he saw appart from that blonde kid with the sides on soon they were assigned sears and then something fun happened

A government official came into the room and said he was taking over the class and he was called karasuma eh saw levi and lou at the back one looking verry comfortable with her head on levis chess and levi was leant back on his chair with his feet on the table puffing out smoke

He sighed "you guys have been chosen to be a class of assasins."

(Smol time skip about half an hour worth of explaining)

And so the met the yellow thingy were given knives and guns levi walked up to karasuma whilst roling another smoke "want one bud?" "No thank you I dont smoke."

"Could I ask a favor."

"Depends on what it is."

"Could you make an ōdachi out of that material please?"

Karasuma was taken back at how polit e and seemingly reasonable he was

"I'll see if I can get that done for you."

He smirked "thanks mate I owe yous."

He then walked back to his desk lighting his smoke and leaning back again hiding his gun under his leg

The yellow thingy came into the class and then pronounced himself our teacher.

Levi put his hand up "sensei i need some help with these questions." In a flash he was there and all you hered was three pops

His left arm was gone and 2 of his legs 

Quickly lou jumped over him trying to slit his throat whilst distracted he just managed to nick his other arm as he zoomed back to the front of the class

Karasuma looked derry interested in that team work they did it without a word to each other

Sensei was probably quite shook i mean someone almost killed him on the first day

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