introducing bitch

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It was yet another lovely day out levi and lou were once again scaling the mountain to class e

As the got inside levi lit a smoke and bobbed of over to the vending machines "hey lou you want a coffie?"

A small gasp was heard "caffeine! Gimmi, gimmi, gimmi."

He put in some money and punched in some stuff and gave the machine a good kick he then picked up 4 coffies

"There you go a 4 for 2 discount." He gave her a coffie carton and a can he took a puff and then cracked open his coffie "we should probably go in...are we sticking with the plan?"

Lou was happily sipping on her coffie "oh definetly."

The both stroled into class and sat in their usual back row seats there was now an Ash tray on the desk

Koro-sensei tried to get him to quit smoking. he was missing both arms for the next week constantly karasuma thinks they can kill him but are just toying with him so far to see how this goes imdact no he doesn't think that he knows it.

Koro sensei arrived at the class and threw something at levi

"I couldn't stop you smoking so I decided to get you a gift."

Levi didn't even look in the box he just sniffed it

"I fuckimg love you."

Lou looked curious and opened it to see a cigar case filled with over 50 of them
"Holy shit i think you just made me not want to kill you for about 10 secconds."

And then he threw something at lou

It was a dino plushie a red one and her eyes turned into stars "AAAAAAA its so fuckin dorable I love it."

Levi lit a cigar and took a toke on it
"It tastes so good like sandal wood and burnt oak."

the door then opened and this modle looking ass bitch came through

"This is your English teacher students." It was karasuma who addressed them then

She looked around the room at everyone and her eyes finally landed on the verry odd couple

One was hugging a plush to death and the other was smoking whilst stroking her head

"Spar time kids." They all went out and got into their P.E kits or combat kits levi was stood there in knee high steel toe cap combat boots some cargo trousers and a red shirt with a gun holster on his chest and his odachi at his side

Karasuma decided to get it done for him he wanted to see what he could do with it 

In the ring they set up two people would spar against each other

"Levi vs. Karasuma."

This was the usual by now and their matches were brutal they both found it fun it was a nice match up currently they were both sat at 43 wins to levi and 44 wins to karasuma.

It seems to be a constant tie between them and this scares her

"Wooooh levi go on baby." Lou was right next to her she the turned to her "sup bitch-sensei." 


lou started looking sad and then started shaking a chorus of "oh fuck" and "im out." As well as "nope she's fucked."

One of the students touched her shoulder and hugged her "shhhhh hey your not there anymore your with levi now." Reletively put they all knew lou had had a rough life but was now living with levi and levis parents had died quite a while back.

Sunddenly a verry dark and ominous presence apered "oh no he can smell her sadness." Yelabuma loked around and found levi stood there with karasuma in a heap at his feet a smoke in his mouth he then started walking towards her the murderous around getting soul crushingly powerful

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2021 ⏰

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