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"Love. I don't even know How to describe it, but Love is magic. You may not believe there is something like that..but once you feel it, you'll know."

"Your Mom wasn't My great Love. It kinda sounds bad but whenever I think of the things that I did and I define my best days, she wasn't the name I am looking for"

I glanced at him and bowed my head.

"Perhaps you'll be mad that your Mom was not my great Love."

"I'm not mad. You loved Mom so much and you never cheated on her. you Did nothing wrong. there's nothing to be mad of"

he tapped my shoulder.

"Do you wanna know her name?"

I smiled and looked away as I sighed.

"Yeah sure. I wanna know who's this girl that made you believe in magic"

We laughed.

"Her name was Lena."

"Lena? Lena and Mina huh. Sounds the same" i jokingly teased dad.

"Yes Gio. I hate to admit it but I chose your Mom too because her name kinda sounds like Lena."

I chuckled and waited for him to continue his story.

"I and My friends went to a vacation to see My dream View. It was in Bali, Indonesia. But sadly, you need to Cross a bridge in order to see the View."

"you didn't go with them?"

He smiled "i didn't. I have no choice than to Sit under the bridge as I watched them passing through it and taking the chance to see My dream View."

"Oh That's sad, dad."

"I know. I feel really really bad and I hated myself that night because i was afraid of heights and that fear stopped me from reaching my dream. But then I saw her"


"Yeah. The most beautiful View that i have ever laid my eyes on. She was standing in the light of the moon and she was so beautiful. That made me realize that there was a better View than My dream View."

"How Did you believe in magic?"

"She is the magic, Son. She's everything I have prayed for from the universe. I think they heard me"

We laughed again. He was inlove back then.

"You courted her?"

"Yes i Did. But she never said yes. IT's okay tho. She's My best days"

"How Did y'all end up being strangers again?" I asked.

"There's nothing wrong. We just realized that we are both stardust trying to Find our way back to the stars. So I needed to let her Go. That was the best thing to Do, so I Did."

"You still Miss her, don't you?"

"Everyday,son. Eventhough I am married now, and I have a Kid. At the back of My heart, IM still waiting for her. Im still waiting to see the most beautiful View."

"You Will never know, maybe someday somewhere you'll see her again."

"Yeah, in another lifetime."

We sat in silence for a minute.

"I don't believe in magic" i said.

He smiled.

"You Will, when you see her."

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