Chapter 6

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Carmen POV :

It's 5:06 pm I just got back from shopping and I haven't talked to Julian since that night I stood him up which was last week. I feel really bad about that and I'm highly upset at Stefano , we don't talk we barely say good morning which is fine by me .

"Hey Carmen you want some lunch or something ?". Marianna asked me as I come through the door .

"Aw I just ate at the mall but thank you , I'll save it for dinner ; What you make ?".

"Chicken Alfredo and garlic bread ".

"Mmm sounds lovely ". I say now building up a appetite.

"Yep". Bang bang ! Goes a sound of gunshots . I instinctively ducked down .

"What was that ?!".

"Angelo and Stefano , they're outside doing round offs " .

"Oh I want to go see ".

"Go ahead want me to come with you?".

"Sure ". We go outside and watched Angelo and stef shoot guns . It took them moment but they finally spot us .

"Carmen come !" . Stefano says motioning me over . I hesitated but walked over there .

"Here ". He says handing me a black pistol .

"What's this for ?".

"He wants you to shoot it " .


"For training ". Stefano responded.

"Training for what ?".

"It doesn't matter , I'll tell you later now shoot the target ". He says pointing at this target post thing . Somehow some way I pulled the trigger on a gun but missed the target and almost shot a deer.

"Damn it Carmen ! You almost killed Bambi ". Angelo exclaims .

"I'm sorry I have no experience ".

"Yeah we can see that ".Angelo mumbled as Stefano nudged him .

"Give it here , let me show you ". I hand him the gun .

"Come over here ". I go to where he's standing .

"Now you see this ?".

"Yes ". I responded.

"This the safety , when it's on no shoot , when it's off shoot ".

"What does the safety do ?". I asked curiously

"Prevents accidents , such as you shooting yourself your someone else ".

"Oh ok I see ".

"Yep so when you get ready to shoot take the safety off and cock it back ". He showed me how to do it .

"Got it now ?".

"A little ".

"Let me see your hands ".


"Your hands now ". I gave him my hands . And boy his are cold as fucking ice.

"Now take the safety off , cock it back and put your finger on the trigger ". I followed the instructions .

"Now shoot !". I shot the gun and made the target , well a little .

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