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It was him, Norman. He was dead though, he got killed! We saw mom take him...

He chuckled his white hair blew through the wind

"thats me" he said, his attention went to Y/N

"Who's this?" He asked

"I'm Y/N, Y/N L/N." she said her soft voice was beautiful.

"Well, nice to meet you! And the man behind me is Vincent." He said calmly

"okay, hold on! How are you alive!!" I said

"well you see..."

After explaining

"Now I'm here" he said as he walked closer

Emma started to tear up

"I missed you so much!" She said as she ran to him, lannion,thoma and don followed and they all hugged him

"Ray, shouldn't you go hug him?" Y/N said

"Nah, theres time for that later. we need to get back to the base before the other guys come back" I said as I  grabbed onto Normans shirt

"Sorry to break up the moment, but we need to get home quick." I told Norman as we all pulled our masks up and ran to base

"Your back, Mama!" Conny said as she ran to Y/N and jumped into her arms

Everyone went silent once Norman was in sight Except of course, lily, Danny,Damien and sally.






Everyone shouted running to him

Once again, after explaning

Everyone hugged him tightly

"I missed you so much!" Everyone said

He looked at conny

"Don't, your still alive?" He asked calmly

"Mhm! Mama saved me!" She said happily

"Who's "mama"?" He questioned

"Y/N! Ever since she saved me she's been my mom, and sally,Damien,lily and Danny have been my siblings!"  She told him as she smiled

"oh, wow. I'm assuming those are the unfamiliar people." He said chuckling

"Yep, and their MY children." Y/N spoke up

She grabbed him by his shirt and made him bend down

"If you hurt them, ill kill you." She said in a scary voice her expression went dark

"Yes ma'am!" Norman stuttered

"Oh your so silly mom!" Damien said hugging her

she hugged him back and smiled

"Oh, your to sweet dear!" She said

She kissed his head and glared at Norman

"Well, Y/N. What was your past like?" Norman asked politely


"mom was Pyscopath, she killed her own children in front of each other and convinced everyone that there wasn't a single escape."

"everyone had gone mentally insane, me and my Conrad were the only ones who hadn't gone insane. All the kids loved me, although nobody had any true happiness.."

"mom constantly tried setting us on fire,stabbing us,shooting us...even if we didn't do anything wrong she'd attempt to murder us. Me and my friend were The only ones with perfect scores so she couldn't actually kill us."

"it was sad to watch toddlers attempt to kill themselves...Me and my friend were only 7 when we escaped..We started planning when we were 5. We needed out of there, we improved our intelligence so mom couldn't ship us out or kill us."

"Obviously the guards didn't know mom was doing this or they wouldn't stopped it. I assume she's dead by now, but I feel sorry for all the kids who are there. Lots of them have probably been shipped by now..."

"We were all sleep deprived, mom wouldn't let us sleep for 4 days out of the week. Everyone hated it, one day we finally Got a sister. She was amazing, we knew the truth but sister... She helped us escape. She told us everyone we needed to know on how to get out.."

Y/N explained

Everyone almost started crying a few of The younger ones were sobbing

"poor y/n!" The kids cried running to her

"Wow..I never knew things were so tough for you.." Emma said sadly

"Well everything's good now!" She said trying to smile

"Where's your friend...?" Norman asked

She shrugged "No clue..." She said as she sat down

I sat next to her and hugged her tightly

And looked at me and smiled

During that fire thing, sorry for the long time skip!

I was playing with the kids when I smelled




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