Chapter 29

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[A:N]: This is the final chapter before the epilogue. :) Kinda bittersweet because I know this is your guys favorite. Enjoy this last chapter :)

It's all over. The gun shooting, fist throwing, the high-speed chasing, everything. The boys kept their kept getting invites by Simon to rejoin the agency but after numerous turndowns he stopped. Now the agency is closed after years of killing Scooter Braun and The Wanted had finally happened thanks to you and the guys.

Time has passed and it's a new time in their career. They released their fouth album 'Four' and are currently on the 'On The Road Again' tour. For the first time in a while. you went on tour with them. Unfortunately, their double lives as mercenaries hit the air but the fans look at them no differently. They think of you as hero after all the bullets and bloodshed you had to go through. You and Ed watched from backstage and it's good to watch the boys perform again. Harry goes on his phone and sends Ed a quick text.

'Bring him on stage xx'

Ed gave Harry a thumbs up knowing what to do. You didn't know what that was for and it didn't bother you to ask. The guys finished the song and left the stage.

"Come with me." Ed pulled you.

"Where are we going?" You asked with oblivion. Ed was guiding you on stage to screaming fans giving you an extreme case of stage fright. 

"Stay right here." Ed left you on stage by yourself.

"Ed! What's going on?!" Your confused and frustrated and the lights in the stadium went out for a few seconds. Then a video plays..... A huge message saying '(Y/N)''. Ed is the camera guy for the whole video showing.

"So what do you love the most about (Y/N)?" Ed asked.

"I love that he was strong and he has a big heart. He took on the world for us." Liam answered.

"He's not afraid to take risks and he would do anything for us." Louis also answered.

"What was your best memory with (Y/N)?"

"Our first date and when he saved us all." Zayn answered. After Zayn footage of you fighting and shooting at the enemies played on the screens. The audience cheered at how heroic you are.

"My favorite memory would be when we all took his virginity." Niall joked and the audience burst out laughing. You blushed a little about how he brought that up.

"How do you feel about him?"

"He's just so sweet and loveable, I could just hug him and kiss him all day." Harry brings his arms up to his chest.

"He's an angel. I'm glad to have such a great guy in my life." Niall adds.

And pictures of you, Niall, and Harry together came up and the audience awed.

"If you had a choice would you marry him?"

"I would for sure." Zayn nods in agreement

"Of course!" Liam smiles.

"I'd marry him in a heartbeat." Louis says.

"Yes I would." Harry answered.

"Mr. and Mr. Horan. Yeah for sure!" Niall nodds. The video switched to all five guys at once. 

"Well (Y/N) this is it. The moment we've been wanting as much as you." Zayn announced,

"After all these years together, we want to spend more with you" Harry said.

"And all those times we left you before you found out we were mercenaries, we won't leave you anymore." Niall adds.

"And with that being said...." Louis spoke up.

"We wanted to ask you something." Liam concludes before the video goes off.

Then the five guys you know and love walked up to you on stage to screaming fans.

"What did you guys want to ask me?" You asked with a shaky voice.

None of them spoke as all five of them dropped on one knee in front of you pulling out their own ring boxes. "Will you marry us?" 

You gapsed and covered you mouth with teary eyes. The crowd went wild and cried themselves with tears of joy. You nodded yes.

"He said yes!" Harry said excitedly in the microphone. They give you their own hugs and kissed slipping the rings on every finger on your left had.

"Now your just like Harry with all those rings on." Niall joked.

"Very funny, Niall." Harry rolled his eyes.

"Now everyone knows who you belong to." Liam hugged you one more time.

"I belong to you guys." You cried in his shoulder.

"Like always. And we belong to you." Zayn hugged you from the back along with Liam.

"Okay now the world knows that we are all engaged to each other but (Y/N) has the rings to prove it." Louis said. "Where are our rings?" The guys all turned their attention to you.

"Um....I didn't get any. And I think you guys all should've got eachother rings too. You guys are marrying eachother two you know?" You reminded them.

"He's got a point." Zayn agreed with you.

"Just take mine. These will have to do for now." Harry gave the guys his personal rings as a sign of their engagement.

"Ill say." Louis spun the silver ring around his finger.

"Okay. Thanks (Y/N) for coming on stage we love you." Niall kissed you and escorted you off stage.

"I love you more!" Louis screamed in the microphone making the audience laugh.

"Oh Louis." Liam shook his head and giggled.

"We'll be seeing you later okay?" Niall kissed you.

"Okay. I love you guys." You said before Niall walked back on stage. Harry counts down and starts another song with the bad. Niall is jumping all over, Zayn showing his confidence on stage, the guys are back.

After all you've done for them, one last thing they want from you. They want you to walk down the aisle and they'll be yours. Forever.

[A/N]: The epilogue is next. :) I hope you guys liked the update!!

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