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She woke up to the sound of her alarm blaring.she rolled over to turn off the alarm but she ended up on the floor.she kept wondering her eyes around the room as if it's not hers. She quickly got up not after realizing how messy she looks.

My name is Fatima Abubakar baferu.my father is Abubakar Umar baferu.my mother is Khajida Muhammad kabir.am 24 years old.am from kebbi state,Nigeria but presently living in Abuja.am Hausa by tribe.I graduated from oxford university with first class in law. I have three sublings.Adda sukaila,the first born she is 29 years old getting married in a few months.am the second eldest in the family.jasrah my younger sister she's 20 years old currently at Baze university studying biochemistry.and finally Anmar our last born she's 18 years old studying medicine at Base university 100 level.

Allah blessed my parents with girls so there is no male in the family just us girl.my parents wished they had a son who will look after the family business but Allah only blessed him with girls.

Adda sukaila studied business administration in oxford university.after she graduated with first class my mom urge my dad to make adda the CEO of the company, baferu Enterprise. But dad refused because he was worried adda wasn't ready to take such a big responsibility but after seeing how responsible adda is he finally decide to make her the CEO and now our company is one of the most popular company in Abuja.

Though we are Hausa by tribe one would say we are Fulani due to how fair we are in complexion and we are blessed with long hair.

"Good morning sweetheart"Adda sukaila greeted with a cup of coffee on a Tray for fatima.

" Good morning sweetie. Is that my morning coffee "teemah asked with a raised eyebrow.

" of course it is.here you go"adda handed the coffee over to her and kept the tray on the locker.

"You know what adda am gonna miss my morning coffee after you're gone" Teemah said making adda feel a little sad.

"Am gonna miss you more than you know" Teemah noticed the sadness on adda's face so she moved closer to her to comfort her.

"Hey I didn't say that to make you sad am really sorry adda please forgive me" feeling bad for making her sister sad."am really going to miss you so much adda please don't be sad ok"Teemah said almost breaking down in tears.

"Don't worry am not......" She burst into a fit if laughter before she could complete her sentence.Teemah just stood there looking confused.how can a person who was sad a moment ago be laughing like a mad person is she ok.

"Adda what's the meaning of this are you ok or is something wrong with you" she asked still confused.

"You remember yesterday you said you are not going to miss me because I always disturb you right so that's why I staged a little drama to get you to confess you're gonna miss me and you did" adda finally stopped laughing and answered.

"You know what you are such a drama queen I wonder how brother In law is going to cope with you" teemah said with annoyance.

"Listen he fell in love with me and decided to marry me which means he can cope with me so its none of your business" adda said still smiling.

"Yeah right he's so lucky !"

Note the sarcasm..............

"I think it will be better if you go and take a bath its already 7:30am and you are not ready yet didn't you realize you are getting late for work" teemah quickly glanced at the clock with a raised eyebrow.

"OMG what's wrong with me I didn't even realize it.you know what's its alla your fault you started a stupid conversation with me"she quickly grab her towel and head to the bathroom.

"oh so know its my fault you didn't wake up early.it's because you are lazy that's why hmm"adda said with total relief"teemah waited by the bathroom door and said.....

"hold on you are also late why aren't you worried"she looked at her sister waiting for an answer.

" sweetheart everybody is expected to be at work by 7:00am but when you are the CEO there is an exception"adda said with cheekily.

She muttered a whatever and got into the bathroom.By the time she got out Adda was already down stairs.She took a shower,got ready and went downstairs.

She met everyone seated at the table munching on their food.she moved further to her mom and dad to greet them.

"Good morning dad,good morning mom" she greeted them giving a them a peck on the forehead.

"How was your night? Mom responded.

" it was great mommah"she said with a smile.

"And how's work huh?Dada asked

" well boring and hectic "giving a sad face.

"Just be patience in sha Allah everything will be alright" Dad chipped in.

She gave her Dad a beautiful smile and grab her things ready to go to work when her mom stopped her.

"And where do you think you are going huh!" Mom asked with a serious face.

"Mom,am heading to work of course where do you think am going" she asked standing in akimbo.

" you mean you are going to work on an empty stomach?"she asked not wanting to hear a yes.

"Oh come on mom you don't expect me to go to work late do you.ok if me not having breakfast is a problem then I'll just take an apple" she grab an apple and head to her car not wanting to hear any more of it.

"Mom you know sis is stubborn she always does as she please so please let her go" jasrah added.

"Please we are getting late for school please ya jasrah let's go" Anmar pleaded because she hates tardiness.

"Ok cry baby let's go" jasrah mocked her.

"Whatever" Anmar muttered,roll her eyes and they head out with sukaila tailing behind.........................................


She arrived at her chamber a few minutes ago.as soon as she entered her secretary Roosevelt rushed to her giving her every single detail about her schedule.roosevelt is more of a friend to fatima than a secretary.with every step she take you can only hear greetings she answers some while the rest she just nods.she's indeed a great lawyer.

"So I do not have any court cases today" she asked hoping for a yes.

"Yeah you dont" Roosevelt answered giving her a hearty smile.

"Oh thank god Roosevelt and thank you I really am not in the mood to fight any cases today thank you" she said feeling relaxed.

"Oh god you are so lazy you know.you may not have to go to court but you have case offer and you need to check the files to see which one you'll fight ok so get to work" she kept the files on her desk and make her way out.

Fatima looked at the files and pout then she put her head on her desk but what could she do she has to work.

She finished going through the files and she choose to fight none.It's already 7:00 and it's her closing time.she packed her things and make her way out.she got into the car and drove off.

She got home by 7:30 feeling exhausted.she met the family at the sitting room laughing about god knows what she just smiled at them and head upstairs to her room.

She took a shower and throw her self on the bed and just like that darkness evades her vision.......................................

thank god I finally got to update.so here it is guys chapter one I know its a little lengthy but I hope you like it.

Don't forget to

Peace ✌

Pia's writes.

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