Chapter 6

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Varian's POV
"King Lucian ",I whispered still staring at him in shock.

"Just call me Lucian, afterall you're my king",he said smiling at me.

I thought he died in the war of the fallen. He was part of the four kings to join the war and no one had heard from him since then.

"How are you alive?",I asked him while I sat on one of the benches around.

"I never died Varian. I was captured by the werewolf king just after the war,where I spent 5 centuries in his dungeons as I was pumped up with vervain to prevent me from breaking free or letting my people know I was alive",he said.

"5 centuries ago,there was a battle in the werewolf kingdom and that gave the dragon King the chance to help me break free and I've been living with him since then"

Looking around,I noticed Silas had left.  Probably to go and search for Alice

"I couldn't go back to my people because my second in command told them I had betrayed the kingdom during the war and that I was dead,also the werewolf king has been searching for me since then",he finished.

I always knew that the werewolf kingdom was built on lies but this was too extreme.

"I'm sorry for your loss",I said to him as I patted him on his shoulder.

"Sooo I'm here to inform you about your training. You are currently the strongest being on this earth but since you haven't been able to access all your powers,we'll have to train you. Training starts tomorrow at 5 o'clock in the morning. ",Lucian said quickly switching back to business mode.

"Training!!!",I exclaimed.

There was no way in hell I was going to train with them.  I didn't even trust them that much.

"Yeah and Victoria will be your trainer.  Mind you ,she is a very ruthless warrior",he said before he just sped off.

Who was this Victoria?
Letting out another sigh ,I headed towards my room. I should have been worried I'd meet the girl who claimed to be my mate but I was enjoying the peace I had.

Taking a left down the corridor, I paused as I heard two hushed voices coming from the door beside me.

"He didn't even seem interested when I muttered mate,it was as if the bond was never there in the first place",I heard the girl from before say to someone.

"How dare he not acknowledge my daughter. He is going to pay for this ",a male said with anger in his words.

"After what that asshole did to you the last time,your own mate also refuses to acknowledge you",the male said again.

"Just have some rest sweetie,I got some business to take care of",the male said before I heard his footsteps heading towards the door.

Using my speed,I quickly made it to my bedroom. Confused and annoyed with the fact that I had another mate.


"Oh come on Elena,must you always make everything about yourself ", I shouted at Nina Dobrev on the TV performing as Elena in the vampire diaries.

Dipping my hand into the large bowl of popcorn on my lap,I watched as Caroline got annoyed,storming off from Elena's presence.

I could feel the temperature in the room rising as I started sweating.
The AC was working but did nothing to lower the temperature in the room.

Letting out a sigh,I headed for the balcony only to be pushed off it from behind.

Seriously?Now is the time they chose to fight me?

As I was watching my favourite TV show?

I landed with a cat's grace ,sliding slowly on the sole of my shoes.

"How dare you not acknowledge my daughter?",a middle aged man said from the balcony.

He had a full beard and his hair was tied back in a bun. To say he was muscular would be an understatement, he looked like the freaking hulk.

I watched as he descended with fiery wings behind his back.

"No one shames my daughter like that,and for what you've done you deserve to be killed",a deeper voice just before the man shifted into a red dragon.

"The dragon King,I should have known",I muttered under my breath.

"She isn't my mate ,I had only one mate and she rejected me not so long ago so please spare me the crappy story about your daughter being my mate ",I shouted at the dragon in front of me.

What an asshole!

I tried passing by him to get to my room   only to be whipped by the sharp and fiery tail behind him.

Letting out a grunt,I let out a roar as I called upon the strength and power of the dragons.

My back arched as my spine elongated to form a tail.

Scales spread across my body at a fast rate and massive,leathery wings erupted from my back,with blue fire clinging to my body like a second skin.

I saw the dragon's eyes widen in shock as he saw my transformation and I couldn't help but smirk.

I didn't fully transform into a dragon, but I had all the power a dragon could get in my humanoid form.

The dragon turned, throwing me across the compound with his tail.

With the knowledge coursing through my brain ,I wielded two swords from my fire and charged at the dragon with lightening speed.

Deflecting his fire balls with my sword,I  plunged my swords into his shoulders, twisting them in the process and watching as the blue fire in the swords spread across his body.

It wouldn't kill him or cause any harm to his skin since he was a dragon,but it'll really hurt him.

"SHIFT",Aries said,taking complete control over my body.

I watched in amazement as the dragon King himself submitted to that one command.

"You have no idea what my human has been through, if you had ,you wouldn't be such a fool to try and kill him"

"Leave",Aries growled.

We both watched as the dragon King walked back to the house in shame.

Sorry for the delay, I've been so busy lately and school starts next week 😪😪.

I just hope I'll be able to post two more chapters before school resumes.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Don't forget to

Love Y'all.

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