Chapter 10

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Varian's POV

"So this is where you grew up? No wonder you're such an idiot", Aries said laughing.

Leave it to this guy to tease you at the least opportunity he gets.
Not feeling like arguing, i blocked him and focused on what was going on outside.

Turns out my team wasn't giving the royalties the respect they were expecting.

Normally they would have submitted before royalty but since they knew what these people did to me they didn't feel the need to show them such respect.

"... Please allow me to introduce to you my master and the High King, His majesty Varian Carter.", i heard Silas say.

Well guess it's time to come out. Wiping away any trace of emotion from my face, i stepped out of the SUV and to say i was satisfied would have been the biggest understatement of the year.

I was fucking thrilled. The look of shock on everyone's faces was absolutely satisfying.

Adrian stood there looking as if he had seen a Ghost,Valerie couldn't stop gaping ,my parents had their eyes bulging out of their sockets and the rest of the pack was too stunned to even move.

They probably thought i was dead. I mean who wouldn't have?

The runt with no wolf whose mate had just rejected him and his brother ending everything by banishing him from the pack.

"You expect us to believe that he is the high king? That runt? I mean his aura is so weak", Adrian said breaking the tension in the atmosphere as he started laughing.

"Good thing i saved a dungeon for you since i knew you'd be coming back soon", he continued.

This made the pack members laugh among themselves and Silas let out a growl.

"Hey runt it's been long yeah, think you come clean my house? I mean that's the only thing you're good at, being our slave", one pack member boldly said as he stepped forward.

The aura around my team changed when he said that. I could feel their anger within me trying desperately to come out.

"Calm down guys, i got this", i said to them through our mindlink.

Seeing how the Alpha and the other pack member ridiculed me, the other pack members saw it as a chance to hurl their insults at me.

Looking at them brought back memories. I remembered the first day i was whipped by the Alpha with wolfsbane.

The nights were the drunk she wolves would sneak themselves into the basement and forcefully have their way with me using their werewolf strength.

Not wanting to hurt anyone, i reigned in the anger that was trying so desperately to come out.

"What a filthy creature. You think just because you've had a change of clothes and a new haircut you're worthy to stand before any of us? Good thing i rejected you. You worthless runt", Valerie said right before she landed a slap on my cheek.

Watching her do that woke Aries up and before i realised what was going on, Aries had taken control of my body.

I watched as the entire pack gasped as they sensed the change in my aura. The weak aura i put on earlier completely changed. And judging by their trembling, i realised that my eyes had probably turned golden.

Before anyone could blink, Aries had his hands around Valerie's throat choking her till she passed out.

Seeing his mate being attacked, Adrian threw a punch at us only to see his punch being blocked and a heavy one being landed on his jaw instead.

Some pack members cringed as they heard his jaw break and saw him pass out. Their powerful Alpha being knocked down with just a punch.

"KNEEL!!!", Aries roared at the pack before him.

In less than a minute, the entire pack were on their knees with their heads down exposing their necks. A sign of submission.

"WHO AM I?", Aries growled.

"The high king", the pack members said in unison,obviously scared for their lives.

"If anyone dares to insult my host like you just did, I'll make sure that this pack disappears from the face of the earth and I'm not joking about that. Am i clear?", he growled.

"Yes Sir", they all said.

"Address me by my title", he roared.

"Sorry, your majesty", they said trembling at my feet.

"There is training tomorrow at exactly 5 am. You come late, you spend a week in the ICU. You're dismissed", he said and relinquished control to me as the pack members scurried off.

"As for you", i said addressing my parents who had still nor gotten out of the shock.

"Varian my son, I'm so sorr-", my mom tried speaking as she shed crocodile tears in front of me.

"Don't you dare call me your son, you lost that right a long time ago", i said stepping away from her.

"Get someone to come for our stuff and take them to our designated rooms. Afterall, we're your visitors", i said as i gestured to my teammates who all seemed to be smirking.

______/////////__________////////______!!!!!!!!!! ______:_____/____(:________

After making sure my team mates were settled in, i went on a run in the woods in my wolf form.

There was a lot of pent up anger within me and i swear if I saw Adrain or Valerie's face before leaving the packhouse, i would have probably beat them up again.

My wolf form is my weakest form but it's way stronger than the king himself.

My wolf had midnight black fur that enabled it to blend in with the night.
It was 3 times bigger than the average wolf and 100 times stronger.

After running for 3 hours straight, i stopped by a lake closer to the pack border and stopped to take a drink.

What an interesting day today was. That confrontation was expected but what i didn't expect was Aries taking over like that. That was risky.

I shifted back into my human form and laid down looking up at the sky. Just thinking about the fact that i was going to be here for 5 months got me annoyed.

There's something strange going on in this pack and i have to find out what it is. These 5 months better be eventful.

It didn't take me long to detect the presence of 10 rogues hiding in the bushes around me.

"Come on out guys, i know you're there", i said smirking when a huge rogue wolf came out from the bush in front of me. Snarling with the look of pure malice in its eyes.

This day just keeps getting better and better...

Next >>>>>>>>>>>>>

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