Brain Zaps

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Brain zaps are annoying little things that feel like lightening going off inside your brain. Sometimes it's a little storm and it's just a nuisance. Other times it's a big storm that shifts reality and makes you stumble (both literally and figuratively). Sometimes it feels like your brain goes through a blender for a moment and is back to normal. The occasional brain zap isn't too troubling. When they come in groups it becomes more of a problem. It doesn't take many to disorientate a person and throw them off.

Brain zaps are usually associated with antidepressant withdrawal. I experience them badly when I miss my antidepressant or I'm very late taking it. I also get them at random. Sometimes they seem to be tied to headaches, or pressure changes, lack of sleep,, even stress.

For whatever reason I get brain zaps when I have headaches. Sometimes they don't seem to be tied to anything, they just happen. Some days they come in batches. Sometimes when I play video games my brain gets confused by the motion in the game and causes a brain zap. Occasionally I get brain zaps so strong I literally stumble.

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