India 2

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How you can help?

Here r the ways that u can help.

If u live in India:

~Wear a mask whenever u go.
~Avoid going out unless absolutely necessary.
~By the second one, I mean, don't go out coz u r feeling bored, for movies, restraurants n stuff.
~After coming home from outside, wash ur hands with soap or hand wash.
~For the new strand, it is advisable if u wear 2 masks.
~Social distancing is a must.
~Try home remedies, even if u don't have Covid. Take steam, drink hot water with some lemon n honey (this is smthing the doctors advise), avoid cold items etc.
~Sanitize the parcels n orders u receive.

If u live outside of India:

~Moral support is smthing needed at the moment. If u know ppl who live in India, provide them with moral support, tell them stuff will get better n stuff.
~Share about the severity of the situation with as many ppl as possible. Many have this misconception that India is okay n that it isn't that bad. Tell ppl bout the situation.
~If it is possible, donate. There r many trust funds which r raising funds to help provide oxygen to India. If u donate, it may help a lot.

Hope y'all will do this.

One small act of responsibility, of kindness from u can save millions of lives.

Thank you.


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