Eating Disorders

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What is it?

It is a medical condition wherein the person has problems dealing with their eating habits.

What happens in it?

So, there are two ways in which Eating Disorders go. The person either eats a lot or they eat way to less. Due to this, the person may either be malnourished and excessively underweight or overweight. But not all overweight ppl have EDs.

How does it affect a person?

In a lot of ways. Mentally, physically, psychologically and in other ways. I will talk about the under eating, coz I don't know much bout the other category.

~Massive difference in weight. The person becomes alarmingly thin.
~Huge hair loss.
~The person always feels cold, no matter the weather.
~The rebel from food. If they do eat smthing, the usually end up throwing it.
~Constant checking of weight.
~Feeling of not being thin enough.
~Isolation from the world (in most cases)
~Taking laxatives.

How serious is it?

Bit too serious.

A lot of ppl don't know the dire consequences of not eating. Not only does it lead to fatigue, dizziness, malnourishment and massive weakness but also other serious problems. Ur immunity decreases way too fastly n so u may be at risk for numerous diseases.

Sometimes it also leads to heart attacks. (I am NOT joking)

What do ppl with EDs feel?

Ppl who suffer from EDs mainly feel self conscious bout themselves. They r always feeling negative bout their weight n prod n pinch themselves to check for fat.

They always calculate the calories b4 consuming food.

How to recognise if a person has ED?

So, the main points to look out for, from which u can know if a person has ED or not r...

1) Their weight
2) If they r always feeling cold
3) If their hair is thinning or is reducing in volume.
4) If they always make excuses to not eat or say that they r not hungry all the time.

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