Chapter 3 - 'Chilling'

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After rapidly sprinting home, sparked off by my excitement, I ran upstairs and opened my wardrobe. I had NOTHING to wear. In 45 minutes I was meeting my idol and I had nothing decent to wear. When suddenly, I spotted my skinny jeans that I had bought a week ago but lost them. What a day to find them! I grabbed one of my mums tops (she had amazing fashion sense), put on my white converse, and grabbed my phone. Wait. Should I put some more make up on? Nothing's going to happen, but, should I? I decided to do another light coating because I knew he didn't like too much make up, I thought the same. I swiped on some lip gloss and re-did my mascara. Perfect! I put my hair up in a messy bun, after that I headed out of the door and down the street.

As I turned the corner onto where we were meeting, I saw him waiting on his phone, probably tweeting. Before turning right into the street I shuffled back and whipped out my phone. 

"@NathanTheWanted: Girls and getting ready, sheesh ;)"

I read it and chuckled, knowing I was the only one who knew what he meant, for once. I tweeted him back saying:

"@NathanTheWanted: Well it always depends if it's worth the wait.... ;)"

I put the phone back into my pocket and carried on around the corner and up to Nathan.

"Hey! You look nice!" Nathan said in surprise. I couldn't blame him, our school uniform was god awful.

"Thanks! So, was it worth the wait?" I said walking with him towards his house, hoping he would catch on. If he didn't, this would be awkward. Luckily, he laughed, and then realised.

"Wait, I remember reading something....that was you?" he said, looking intrigued. 

"Yeah, why? Would you not of thought a teenage girl has Twitter?" I said laughing, having to stop walking to catch a breath.

"Oh no I kinda guessed you would have it, it's just so I can follow you." He gave me a cheeky grin. God that boy was sneaky. It made him more attractive.

"Wow thanks! I thought the day you would follow me would be luckily catching your eye on Twitter, not bumping into you and going to your house."

"We shall call it the Lucky Bump!" he said, raising his arms as though he was declaring it to the world. I laughed. 

We carried on talking about random things until we reached his house. It was nice, quite small, 3 bedrooms, it looked so normal. But why wouldn't it be? It was indeed his family's home.

"Nobody's in at the moment. Jess is at school, Mum's out shopping with her partner, so I guess it's just us 3!" He grinned again, showing off his pearly whites.

"3?" I asked. For all I can see it's just me and him.

"Yeah. Me, you and Harry dog!" Oh yeah I had completely forgotten! At this moment, Harry came running in and greeted me with a friendly jump and lick.

"Hi Harry!" I said in a play voice whilst stroking him. I looked up to see Nathan grinning at me. Oh god I just did my play voice in front of him. I only do it to animals and babies.

"What?" I said, pouting.

"Oh nothing." he said, still smiling. "Just that I thought I was the only one who did that voice."

"Well looks like we have something in common. We're both freaks!" We laughed and he gestured me to sit down on their sofa while he went into the kitchen.

"What do you want to drink?" he shouted from inside the kitchen, I could hear him getting cups out.

"A cup of tea would be perfect!" I responded.

"I love you already!" he replied. I have always loved tea, another thing me and him have in common. Some people only started drinking it because of Nathan. Me? I've always had a thing for it. However our family has Tetley's, but I was cool with PG Tips.

He came back in empty handed and sat down next to me.

"Kettle's boiling." he said with a pout. "And out kettle is shit so it takes like 10 minutes."

"That's okay. So what are we planning on doing?" I said looking around. It was just a normal house.  Clean, tidy, modern. I spotted something I had seen before on a twit cam.

"So this must be the infamous fish lamp then" I said walking over to it and admiring it.

"Its horrendous! I had a proper rant on that twit cam!" he said, following me to it.

"Not that bad, I guess. Look the fish are moving....yeah it's kinda bad." I gave in. It was ugly. He laughed and pulled me into a hug.

"Thank you!" he said, quite loudly, into my neck. I don't think he was supposed to do it in my neck, but god was I thankful he did.

We paused for a second and embraced each others bodies. What were we doing? I felt a connection, and I think he felt it too because he pulled away looking worried into my eyes. We stared at each other for a good couple of minutes, trying to understand what was going on. I knew I was attracted to him, and I think he knew that as well, but did he feel the same way? 

I couldn't stop staring into those beautiful emerald eyes. He leaned forward, bit by bit, until we were breaths apart. Was this right? Suddenly the kettle clicked and it made us both jump, knocking our foreheads together.

"Er, let me go and pour us our cuppa's..." he said, looking away and shaking his head, as if he was trying to get rid of the feelings we had just witnessed.

"Yeah, erm, you do that. I'll just s...stay!" I stumbled and sat on the sofa, politely waiting.

He brought them in, placed mine in front of me on the coffee table without engaging eye contact, and sat on the other sofa behind the one I was sitting on. I caught him making eye contact with me a few times while I turned around to get my cup of tea before he switched on the TV. He flicked through the boring channels until he came upon some cartoons.

"I'm a big kid..." he said, smirking. I turned around to see him directly behind me, his face nearly touching the back of my head.

"Really?" I said, turning around to face him. Our faces were nearly touching.

"Yeah. Which means I'm also mischievous and sneaky..." he said, and met his lips with mine. It felt amazing. He pulled away after seconds and looked me in the eyes.

"Nothing can really happen, but you're so beautiful and kind, and funny and your a laugh. You just kinda...I dunno...pulled me in with those god damn gorgeous eyes of yours..." he put his hand on my face and brushed my cheek, making me go a light shade of pink.

"Dont worry, I'm nervous too. I never do this. But hey, only 5 years right?" he moved his hand to the back of my head and pulled it to meet his lips again. Like the first kiss, short and sweet, but there was more power to it. As he pulled away, I looked at him like I wanted more. He took hold of his head by putting both of my hands on his cheeks and pulled his head towards my head. We kissed for so long, taking breaths in between.

After the last kiss, I pulled away.

"Wow..." he said with his eyes still closed.

"I know, Nathan I better go, I'm sorry." I told him, without looking at him. 

"Emma wait!" he shouted after me as I ran out of his house. I just ran. Ran home to where it was safe.

What have I done?

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