The Prejudice of Lucius Malfoy

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The next Wednesday started off as planned with Ginny, her family and Harry all gathered around the fireplace in preparation for their departure to Diagon Alley. Ginny had visited Diagon Alley with her family every year for as long as she could remember, but it was still one of her favorite places in the world. However, she was looking forward to visiting the alley now mainly because it would bring her one step closer to becoming a full-fledged Hogwarts student.

As her mother gingerly took a flowerpot full of Floo Powder off the mantelpiece and remarked that they were running low, Ginny started to worry a little. What would happen if they couldn't afford everything they needed? Ginny tried to force herself to not think about that. We'll come through in the end, she told herself, We always do.

"Ah, well, guests first! After you, Harry dear!" Ginny's mother said as she offered the pot of Floo powder to Harry. To say Harry looked utterly bewildered would have been an understatement. Ginny really liked the expression on his face — she found it funny and kind of cute — cute in a way that made her want to throw her arms around him.

"W-what am I supposed to do?" he stammered pitifully.

"He's never traveled by Floo powder," Ron exclaimed. "Sorry, Harry, I forgot."

"Never?" their father asked in astonishment. "But how did you get to Diagon Alley to buy your school things last year?"

"I went on the Underground —" Harry began.

"Really?" Ginny's father asked eagerly. "Were there escapators? How exactly —"

"Not now, Arthur," his wife interrupted. Ginny's father, who was fascinated by Muggles, had been hounding Harry with questions about what it was like living with them.

"Floo powder's a lot quicker, dear," Ginny's mother told Harry, "but goodness me, if you've never used it before —"

"He'll be all right, Mum," Fred said confidently. "Harry, watch us first." He then promptly demonstrated how to take a handful of Floo powder, throw it into the fire causing it to turn green, step into the flames and say the name of your destination.

Watching Fred vanishing in a flash made Harry look nervous in a way Ginny found rather adorable. She was really enjoying watching him and fortunately for her his attention was so entirely focused on his Floo powder dilemma that she didn't have to worry about him noticing her. Being around to see Harry the first time he learned about Floo powder made Ginny feel a bit privileged — she wished she could have seen him the first time he learned he was a wizard.

"You must speak clearly, dear," Ginny's mother told Harry. "And be sure to get out at the right grate..."

"The right what?" asked Harry as George followed his twin into the fire.

"Well, there are an awful lot of wizard fires to choose from, you know," Ginny's mother continued, "but as long as you've spoken clearly —"

"He'll be fine, Molly, don't fuss," her husband said as he took some Floo powder himself.

"But, dear, if he got lost, how would we ever explain to his aunt and uncle?"

"They wouldn't mind," Harry responded darkly. "Dudley would think it was a brilliant joke if I got lost up a chimney, don't worry about that —" Harry often joked about his unpleasant relatives like this, but it always made Ginny feel sad. If only he knew how sorry she felt for him...

"Well... all right... you go after Arthur," Ginny's mother eventually told Harry. "Now, when you get into the fire, say where you're going —"

"And keep your elbows tucked in," Ron added.

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