Riddle of the Diary

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"It's actually all a hoax," Luna Lovegood declared in the library the next day after the word about Colin's fate had sufficiently spread. "The Ministry of Magic has made it look like the Chamber of Secrets has been opened so they'll have an excuse to sack Dumbledore. And Lockhart is their agent."

"You shut up about Professor Lockhart!" snapped Fleeta Fleece.

"I'm sorry, Fleeta," said Luna sadly, "I know you like Lockhart, out of pity I suppose, but he only pretends to be a charmless idiot so we won't suspect him. He actually has a devious mind of unparalleled brilliance."

"He does not, you freak," Fleeta retorted. "You're just trying to steal him from me 'cause you're jealous of our relationship." Ginny snorted — Fleeta thought she was just so great for having managed to become Lockhart's class pet, a position which was desired by many other girls in the school.

"All right," replied Luna, "but don't blame me when he starts torturing you and forcing you to do his dirty work. I just want you to get out of his clutches while you still can."

As Luna went on, explaining how Lockhart had used his peacock feather quill to Petrify Mrs. Norris and Colin, Ginny sat in silence. She was thinking about the way Percy had looked at her that morning and wondering if maybe he did know about Halloween. What if Percy suspected she was behind it all? What if he was biding his time until he had enough evidence to use against her? Would he go so far as to report her just to get back at her for ruining his night with Penny? This was all Ginny needed — something new to worry about!

Another new thing for her to worry about was Colin. Were they sure they could bring him back from being Petrified? How did it feel to be Petrified? Was it painful? She hoped he was comatose in that state because imagining him still being conscious while being helplessly frozen for months and months made her feel terrible. She considered that if she was the culprit, he might have even seen her as she Petrified him — and not too long after she had yelled at him. He could be lying frozen in the infirmary right now wondering how much she must hate him to have done that to him. But she really, really didn't hate him. She had just lost her temper and said things she really, really hadn't meant at all.

The possibility that Ginny herself was the Heir of Slytherin was now more real and terrifying than ever. If it was her, was there any way she could stop herself? And why was this happening to her anyway? Had she simply gone mad? That was a scary thought, especially when she considered that being insane might prevent her from realizing it even if she wanted to. Would she have no choice but to hand herself in for the good of everyone else? Should she really even be around other people? What if she lost her memory and attacked someone right then and there? There were so many students in the library and at least some of them must be Muggle-born. Maybe Ginny should be keeping herself away from other people as much as possible.

Knowing she wouldn't be able to get any work done, Ginny gathered her things and began to walk dejectedly up to her dormitory. She wouldn't have even gotten out of bed that morning — it was a Sunday — if it weren't for Lorelei, who had once again decided to become upset about nothing. Kimmy, apparently in possession of infinite patience, always comforted her, but Ginny usually tried to be elsewhere whenever Lorelei became even more distraught than usual. Ginny didn't particularly dislike Lorelei or anything, but she did find her a little annoying — not that she would ever say so, especially in front of someone so sensitive.

Much to Ginny's disappointment, Kimmy and Lorelei were still in the dormitory with Lorelei crying into Kimmy's rosy pullover. Even after more than two months at Hogwarts, Lorelei still looked oddly ill, resembling a rather fey waif, and slightly greenish.

"Do — do you like me more than apples?" she choked. Lorelei tended to worry about very strange things.

"Yes, I like you much more," Kimmy assured her.

Ginny Weasley and the Heir of SlytherinOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora