Lonely hangouts

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I just woke up. Somebody had sent me a text. It was an unknown number. The text said hey may gave me your number because you left before i could ask you. I couldnt quite figure out who the hell it was so i responded quickly , Hi i didnt quite catch your name who are you? Its me Pepsi the number texted back. I saved his number on my phone. I tought mabye it was meant to be. She asked me if i wanted to go lonely hangouts and hangout LOL she has such great humour i just know this is meant to be. I joined her . She ran to me. She was so beautiful. Hey she said while sliding her fingers trough her hair. H-hi . Coke right ? Uh yeah hehe I said stressed. Hey there's a house we can climb on and just chill there she said. Um sure!  We talked for hours and hours. She was so interesting . She liked all the same things as me. Before I could realise the sun was going down. Hey I better get going I said. Dont you wanna watch the sunset. You know what sure. I slowly put my head on her shoulder. She smiled at me and scratched my head. Beautiful isn't it? Pepsi said. Yeah..  I fell asleep. When I woke up I was in a random bed. It smelled like dead rats but I still liked the smell. Then she came in. P-Pepsi? Hey you fell asleep so carried you to my house because you never told me your address. Oh ok. You want coffee she said smiling. Oh I don't drink coffee hehe. Oh ok she said with a chuckle. I should go home. Want me to drive you? Pepsi asked. Yes I would appreciate that. We were at my house. Hey before you leave she said , you're pretty cool we should hangout more often. I started at her for a second then said, yeah of course

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