Facts;; ;

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My name is Melanie

I am 17 years old

I live in the United States

I have three siblings; two brothers and one sister

I am a sophmore in highschool

I have approximately 4 friends, they're really cool though

I sometimes dress like a hobo. It's like crossdressing but  - you get the point.

I am obsessed with nutella. I am not exagerating. 

I have a foot fetish cx not really but I like saying that, SHOW ME YOUR FEET

I get hyper easily and my dad has this large suply of 5-hour energy thingies that I get into sometimes and it gets me turnt for like ten or fifteen minutes.

I love nutella. Pationately.

I am currently single/available/on the market(however you would like to describe it) o///////o And pansexual but I lean towards girls *shrugs*

Okay, that should be pretty much it except I yearn for the passionate experience of a loving caring relationship with a girl but if you read on you could have probably figured that out for yourself  ovo

Melanie♡PalePastelTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang