This color challenged dress

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This dress is super cool- I mean, it's ugly. But the colors and the way it's seen as two different sets of colors is cool

My cousin said:  

It was an experiment. Scientists have proven when there is a big event in your life that is having a negative effect on you, your sighting of colors may vary. It comes down to the emotional state you are in at the moment.

She most likely saw that on tumblr.

I also saw it explained as: 

Your eyes have retinas, the things that let you interperet color. There's rods, round things, and cones that stick out, which is what gives your eyes a textured appearance in the colored part. The "cones" see color. The "rods" see shade like black, white, and grey. Cones only work when enough light passes through. So while I see the fabric as white, someone else may see it as blue because my cones aren't responding to the dim lighting. My rods see it as a shade(white). There's three cones; small, medium, and large. They are blue sensitive, green sensitive, and red sensitive
As for the the black bit (which I see as gold), it's called additive mixing. Blue, green, and red are the main colors for addative mixing. This is where it gets really tricky: Subtractive mixing, such as with paint, means the more colors eyes see bect- red, blue, and green(not to be confused with the primary colors red, blue, and yellow) It makes pure white.
--Blue and Black: In conclusion, your retina's cones are more high functioning, and this results in your eyes doing subtractive mixing.
--White and Gold: Our eyes don't work well in dim light so our retina's rods see white, and this makes them less light sensitive, causing additive mixing.

I see white and gold. This sucks, I've always got the boring end of things! 

Melanie♡PalePastelWhere stories live. Discover now