5. Itafushi: 𝗼𝗳𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹. (𝘀𝗶𝗹𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝗰𝗿𝗼𝘀𝘀 "counterpart")

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A/N: Hey, so, as you can tell by the title, this will be kind of a counterpart for silver cross, but not entirely since the story is completely different, it's just another song by Charli XCX (who I love btw) and Itafushi being happily together. I thought I own this to y'all after making you sad with the last one😃 Please listen to the song after reading, but not during or before reading. Let's go.


"Rrrring! Rrrring!"
Megumi's alarm clock rudely shook him out of sleep, demanding his attention. He reached out for it and turned it off. "What was today again? Isn't it some kind of... holiday? No, it was something else... Ah yes. Valentine's day. A marketing invention of flower shops. Ugh", Megumi thought. He'd never gotten anything from anyone for Valentine's day and he'd also never given anything to anyone for Valentine's day. This would be a completely normal day like every other for him.

Turns out he wasn't wrong.
At least until after school.
The day had been boring and nothing special had happened so far. He got out of class, happy that it was finally over and that he finally could get up from his seat next to Itadori, whose side profile he couldn't stop staring at, and headed to his dorm. Where he, surprisingly, found something. Something small and red. It was a card. It wasn't overdecorated or anything like that, it was simple and small. Megumi opened it, curious for who had put it here.

"Hey Megumi. If first name basis is ok with you now. I've been wanting to tell you this since, actually, the day we met for the first time. But I didn't have the courage to do so. Even now, I'm too cowardly to talk to you, so I'm writing this card for you while Kugisaki is standing behind me and is threatening to stab my shoulder with her needle if I stop writing. She's encouraged (and forced) me to do this. So here it is. I love you. Can I ask you out on a date? I hope you're not disappointed once you find out who this is from. Meet me outside of your dorm. I'm waiting, and if you don't wanna meet, that's fine too. Imma give you a hint: We're close.
Don't forget, I'd like to be on first name basis with you now. But, uh, if you don't want that, you don't have to call me by my first name.
See u"

That's what was on the card. Megumi felt how hot his cheeks were. They felt like they were on fire. He had never received something like this before. So, without even thinking about it, he opened his door. And there was, waiting for him, Itadori, no, Yuuji.
"Wha- Ita... Yuuji?" Megumi could only stutter around. "Hi. I see you read my card. Will you go on a date with me?" Yuuji directly asked him. "I... I don't know... Yes... I guess... No... Yes... Sure..." Megumi's head couldn't process the fact that his crush had just asked him out. "That's a yes?" "Yes." Yuuji blushed. He actually blushed! Over something Megumi had said! It was so cute that Megumi felt like he was gonna pass out at the spot. But he managed to keep his composure. Yuuji held out his hand and Megumi shyly took it. The pink haired boy guided him to his dorm, which seemed like he had cleaned and tidied it. He had arranged two chairs and a table, and on the table mugs that gave off a familiar odor... It was ginger. Yuuji had made ginger tea for him. It took Megumi all his forces to not scream at the fact that he had only told this to Yuuji once in a subordinate clause and Yuuji had remembered it. "Thank you... for remembering my ginger addiction", Megumi said and sat down, putting a hand on the warm cup of tea in front of him. "Yes, I hope you like it. So, uh... Are you disappointed it was me? A guy?" Yuuji asked, fidgeting with his fingers. Megumi took his time before answering: "No. Wouldn't anyone be happy if your crush suddenly asked you out?" Yuuji stared at him with big eyes. "You mean... Seriously? I guess we were really both oblivious idiots, like Nobara said..." Yuuji laughed. "What is she, a wingman?" Megumi said and chuckled. "I guess she is, we have to thank her sometime. I see you like the tea?" "Yes, it's very nice." "Well, I haven't tried it yet. Can I", Yuuji said while getting up from his chair and going over to Megumi, putting a hand on his chin, "... find out?"

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