Chapter 1

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"Kenna!" I hear a small whisper.

"Kenna, wake up." The small voice says again. I peek my eyes open and see Valerie standing next to my bed. She sees my eye and I immediately shut my eyes with a smile on my face. I don't dare to open my eyes again.

I suddenly feel a very heavy weight drop on me and I open my eyes from surprise.

"Dolion!" I laugh as I see the blond boy on top of me. "Get off." I keep laughing.

I look up at Valerie to see if she is going to help me but as soon as she meets my eyes she jumps on top of me too.

"Val!" I scream as I laugh even harder. We're all laughing and can't stop. We laugh like this is the funniest thing to happen all year, well for me it might be.

When I was put into this estate I was alone. They made sure to employ maids so I wouldn't die, guards so I would be safe, and teachers to help teach me how to walk and talk and all my studies. They were never allowed to talk to me outside of their jobs though. It was like they were never there.

I was lucky to find Val. I was about 10 and upset about who knows what. I was running down the stairs while I tripped into her. She is the same age as me and was only at the estate because of her mother who was my head maid. When she passed Val took her place as my head maid.

She's not allowed to interact with me, along with anyone else I meet. Rules from the king himself.

I've known Dolion since I was first put into the estate. Dolion's father, Merdan, is the king's most trusted guard. He has been the lead guard watching over me. He was the one who took me from my mother's arms.

He had a son, one year older than me. Since he was a single father and had to spend all his time in the estate Dolion did too. No one knows what happened to Dolion's mom, as Merdan says she just disappeared one day. He spent months looking for her but found no trace. It was like she fell off the face of the Earth. Since we were both so young they put us together so we could play. And not bother the grownups.

They separated us when we got older but Dolion would always find ways to sneak out and find me. We became inseparable and spent every minute together. Merdan usually always found out but he always promised he wouldn't tell anyone.

When I became close with Val she fit right in with us. It was like she was the missing puzzle piece we never knew we needed. Now I'm 17 and we are still as close as we were at 10 years old.

I guess we were being too loud because my bedroom door bursts open and six guards come filing through the door with their guns ready. Merdan at the front of the group. When he sees us he just rolls his eyes.

"Really guys, from all the screaming I thought Kenna was getting mauled by a bear." He says.

I give a small giggle and apologize softly.

"Kenna" He addresses me. "When you're finished with your breakfast you need to see me in my office. You two need to be there too." I quickly turn my head to look at them. It's very unusual for me let alone all three of us to be called into Merdan's office.

This estate is huge and there are many rooms that other people occupy. I'm not allowed in all of them even though this estate is specifically for me. I am allowed in the library where I take up most of my time. That might be my favorite room in the entire house.

They give me the same look back, but I look away from them and give Merdan a small nod. "Ok."

"Take your time." He dismisses us as he walks out of the room. 

A few seconds after he leaves the room Dolion sits up. "Ok, that was weird."

"Yeah, it was." I say back spacing out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2021 ⏰

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