Unexpected things //

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It was a hot day out and you were hanging out with your bestfriend, Shawn, by the lake. You brought a picnic basket with lots of food and he brought his most trusted sidekick and your favorite, his guitar.

"...And then Chloe ran up to me and started pucking my lips like crazy." Shawn said talking about his girlfriend for the 100th time.

You started laughing along for his sake but deep inside, you had a crush on him since fourth grade. You never told him about this because you thought it would make things awkward.

"So (y/n), homecoming is approaching.. Any dates or plans?" Shawn asked.

"Nobody has asked me yet so it's either going with (y/f/n) or not going at all. Why?" you asked, eating a potato chip.

"Well, Chloe would be going to Seattle on that weekend, so I was wondering if we could pair up? As friends?" Shawn stuttered.

You could feel water in your eyes when he mentioned the "as friends" but you kept it inside since you knew it wasn't the right time.

"Sure." You said with a weak smile.


A couple of weeks passed by and it was finally the weekend you were waiting for. Homecoming.

You started to get ready since Shawn told you he was picking you up at seven, and it was only five thirty.

After an hour and a half later, you looked really gorgeous in your teal long dress that matched your skin tone. Your hair was in a messy bun and your makeup was just right.

"You look so gorgeous hun!" Your mum squealed as she took another photo.

Another photo was flashed and suddenly the doorbell rung.

Your mom rushed to the door beating you and opening it.

Shawn entered your house and his jaw dropped once he saw you in your dress.

You also started to stare since he was also good looking on that night, wearing a black tux with a teal tie that matches your dress.

"So, are we going to stare all night or are you going to offer your corsage Shawn?" Your mom impolitely joked.

Shawn laughed it off and tied your teal ribbon corsage on your hand. You also pinned his at the same time.

After some photo-ops and a lot of reminders from your embarrassing mom, you guys were able to reach the campus.

"Woah. The school made another starry starry night them. I am surprised." Shawn joked and led you to your table.

You laughed with him too and a slow dance came up. Your bestie song, Ever Enough by A Rocket to The Moon.

"May I have this dance with you bestie?" Shawn asked with his hand stuck out.

You took his hand and he led you to the dance floor. He put his hands on your waist and started swaying to the beat. Eventually, you found the rhythm with him so you both got in sync.

"You know Shawn, I have something to tell you." You started off.

"What is that (y/n)? You look nervous. Is something wrong?" He asked with a worried look.

"No, everything's fine. I just want to say-" You were cut off by a familiar voice across the room.

"Shawn!" Chloe squealed as you two broke up your dancing.

"Chloe, you made it!" Shawn said, giving Chloe a quick kiss on the lips.

"Yeah. I flew fast as I could to make it. I see you went with (y/n)." She said with a bit of disappointment in her voice.

Shawn gave you a weak smile and you found yourself running outside of the campus, crying. You really hated yourself when you cry especially with makeup on but you just couldn't help it.

Shawn came out running after a few minutes and he shouts your name like a kid who lost his dog.

Finally, he found you sitting by the swing sets with your make-up smudged and your hair down.

"(y/n), why are you crying? Did I do something wrong?" He asked with sincerity in his voice.

"I like you okay? Ever since fourth grade. I've hidden it since I knew you wouldn't like me back and now I'm right. Am I?" You said with tension in your voice, crying.

There was a long pause before you stood up and faced Shawn.

"Good bye Shawn. Have fun with Chloe." You said, smiling and walking away from Shawn.


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