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"What the fuck is wrong with you! You ain't supposed to be hitting no damn woman. Especially the one that gave you yo kids!" Uncle T yelled in my face. "I didn't even hit her first. I kept trying to hold her but she was hitting me and it was pissing me tf off." I shrugged. Me, him, and my momma were up in my room talking. Everyone else was downstairs with Zahra trying to calm her down. My dad? Don't know where he's at.

"Kairo you don't know how disappointed I am in you. You are putting your hands on girls." She yelled. "I'm sorry aight. You want me to apologize so go get her." I said back. "Boy don't act like that to your mother. How would you feel if you find out Kyrie be hitting girls when he's older. This ain't what none of us expected out of you. Then you want to get loud with yo mother." He was all in my personal space.
"I'm sorry ma," I looked at her, "my head is just everywhere right now. Could y'all send her up though?" I rubbed my head.

They nodded their heads and walked downstairs. I heard talking before my room door slowly opened and she walked in with her head down. Before I could get a word out, she fell into my arms and began crying.

"I'm so sorry Kairo. I'm sorry for hitting you and yelling at you. I was hurt and mad and I let all my anger out on you. I should've let you know we had kids and I'm so sorry for not letting you be in their lives. " She cried into my chest. I was puzzled for a minute but I then began to rub her back. "Nah Zahra I should've stepped up as soon as you told me. I admit to being in the wrong and I should've never hit you back. I need to take care of my kids."

"I dont know how to do it. This co-parenting thing. I'm so used to having them all to myself." She pouted. I smiled at her and wiped her eyes, "well daddy here now."

She rolled her eyes and fixed her face. "Well do you want to meet them again." She asked. I nodded my head and she went downstairs to get them. After a little while, her and Ahmaad came up with the twins.

"That boy a daddy. How it feel lil bro?" He laughed and playfully hit my shoulder. "Man get the hell out." I pushed him away. He gave Kyrie over to Zahra and walked out of the room. "Well you've already met them but let's do it again. Kairo this is your son Kyrie Scott and your daughter Ariya Scott." She said. They laid on these boppy pillows and kicked their feet. Kyrie was just chilling but Ariya was more on the fussy side right now. "She good?" I raised my brow.

"How about you see, you're the daddy." She tilted her head. I smacked my lips and picked up my baby. Damn, that sound crazy.
My baby.
I rocked her back and forth, running my hand through her head full of hair. "Daddy's here baby. It's aight." I kissed her forehead. She got quiet and just looked up at me.
I quickly looked up and saw Zahra giggling while taking pictures. "Why are you taking pictures?"

She huffed, "so I can add them to my family folder." She said. "Oooh I have to show you a few of the pictures that are already in there." She sat next to me and faced the phone in my direction.

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