How it all began part 3

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    AN: So this is the part that changed it all! Its not a huge change, but I am very happy with it

   The three of them all agree to try out three dates and then see how it goes from there. Ollie will be going on a date with both Tyson and Jack separately and then all three of them will have a group date. Its a bit weird after that because they are all not sure how to act around each other now. Jack and Ollie are less snuggly, and Tyson and Jack are less affectionate as well because they don't want to exclude Ollie, but they also want to officially take them on a date first before doing anything.

    Emma later goes and asks Ollie what's going on, and they tell her about what has been going on. Emma makes sure that Ollie knows what they are doing and that they are being safe, and then wraps them up in a big hug telling them that she is so happy for them. She later goes on and talks to the two boys separately and makes sure that they know not to hurt Ollie or each other or there will be consequences.

    Tyson takes Ollie on the first date. He tells them that they should dress nice, but not super formal and to be ready for an adventure. He doesn't tell them where they are going because he wants it to be a surprise. Ollie was very excited to find out that they were going to the dinosaur museum. Tyson paid for both tickets at his insistence. They both had a great time nerding out about dinosaurs and watching each other nerd out about dinosaurs, even if Ollie is more of a dragon person. At the end of the date Ollie buys them both a stuffed dinosaur, and Tyson pulls them into a kiss when they reach the van. They both go to bed feeling like dating one another could work out and are looking forwards to it. They have to wait to see how Jack feels about it in the end, but there is hope.

    Jack and Ollie go on a date next. They go to a botanical garden together. Ollie paid for the tickets. They spent the afternoon looking at the different plants and flowers and Ollie enjoyed listening and watching Jack talk about all the things he knows about plants. Jack enjoyed getting to share this information with someone who was truly interested. They both got a lot of pictures of the plants and each other, most of which involved silly faces or making the plants look like they were growing out of inopportune places. Going on a date with Jack felt differently to Ollie than with Tyson, it felt more like two friends hanging out, with the wonderful addition of hand holding, rather than a date.

    After the two dates the three of them all sat down to see if they were all ready for the third date and if anyone had ideas. They decided to go on a picnic for lunch and to all make the food together. Tyson was a bit nervous about that part because letting both Jack and Ollie in the kitchen is not always the best idea. They tend to have some creative ideas that don't always turn out. They decided on sandwiches and a few other things to snack on as well as bottles of water. Once that was all made, they packed it into a backpack along with a blanket for them to all sit on. After driving to a park, they found a big tree to sit under and set up the blanket and food. They were all a bit awkward and unsure where they should all sit. They decided to sit in a bit of a circle at first while they all ate. After eating and talking there is an expectant pause, one that no one is entirely sure how to break or what to do next. Ollie was the one to break it. He goes and leans up against the tree and motions for the other two to come and sit next to him on either side. They all end up snuggling up against one another and spent the rest of the afternoon talking.

    The three of them decide to give dating a go. It is a little bit weird at first and takes some adjustment for all three of them getting used to it, but with lots of conversations about boundaries and expectations it becomes less weird and more natural. There are small bouts of jealousy that come up when two of the three spend "too much" time together without the third. The three of them all needed to accept that there are no playing favourites or spending too much time with one partner during the day. They all started to take joy out of knowing that their partners were in love and happy, no matter who they are with at the time.

     One of the biggest issues they all faced in the beginning was when Ollie walked in on Jack and Tyson having sex. There was a lot of guilt coming from all three of them. Jack and Tyson felt bad for doing it without Ollie or at least without her knowledge, and Ollie felt guilty for not wanting to be involved. There was also some jealousy coming from Ollie because sex is one thing she can't give her partners, but they can give each other. The three of them all sat down afterwards to discuss what would be the best course of action that would make them all happy. They all discuss what everyone does and does not want. In the end they decide that Ollie has an open invitation to join in or just watch if she wants, and if she doesn't want to do either of those that's fine. If she is in the apartment while the other two are having sex, after they are done, they will clean up, put on some clothes, and go grab Ollie for some snuggles afterwards. After this is all decided, things so much smoother again.

    But peace can't last forever. Jack isn't sure he likes how his relationship with Ollie has been going. Making it romantic has made their interactions feel forced and awkward and filled with expectations. He's been enjoying some of it, like the small kisses, and affectionate nicknames. He liked being able to call Ollie his, and people tend to write off being someones best friend as unimportant, so its nice to be able to signify Ollie's importance in his life. But he doesn't like when they go on dates and they act like two different people because its weird and they aren't sure how to act. He wants his best friend back, but he doesn't want to lose being partners with Ollie.

    Two days later he decides to talk to Ollie about it. Sitting in Jacks room on his bed, Jack confesses all the thoughts and feelings he has been feeling, emphasizing that he loves Ollie so much, but isn't sure if dating is working. He tells them all about they will always be his best friend and he doesn't want to lose that, and he doesn't want to risk losing them by trying to make their relationship into something it isn't. He tells them all the parts he's been enjoying too, and how he wishes there were a way to have the best of both worlds but isn't sure how. Ollie sits there in silence, surprised that Jack has been having very similar feelings as them about their relationship. Jack starts to say he is sorry, but they cut him off, telling him not to be sorry, he never has to be sorry for how he feels. Ollie continues to say that they have been feeling the same way. They've been enjoying being Jacks, and Jack being theirs, but the romance isn't working for them. They like the idea of having the best of both worlds though, being both best friends and partners, best partners if you will. Jack is so relieved that Ollie has been feeling the same way and thinks being Best Partners sounds amazing. Once the awkwardness of romance was removed from their relationship,both Ollie and Jack were much happier and made things go a lot more smoothly.They told Tyson and Emma about it, and both of them didn't really get the difference, but were glad to see the two of them so excited and happy.

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