Chapter 1: It's Senior Year!

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Finally, after three years of spellbinding adventures and chaos, the fairies along with their wonderful boyfriends had made it to their final school year in Spells. The boys however were feeling bittersweet since they had to endure an extra year of high school since their freshman year on Earth didn't count. Thus, with the future saved, the Vortex, Mectrics, and Dexter powerless, and Bruce cursed to live out the rest of his life as a green feline, Serena, Max, and their friends could finally enjoy a "normal" life.

"Can you guys believe after three years of battling witches, warlocks, ogres, and other evil creatures we're official seniors?" said Serena

"I know graduation is practically around the corner," said Ivy.

"Not to mention, the Vortex and the nitwits are finally off our hands," said Crystal

"Also, now we can finally enjoy our last school year without having to worry about any hooligans from the future," Jasmine said.

"And we no longer have to worry about going back to the creepy Infinite Time Zone," said Kristy

"Too bad I didn't get a chance to check out the futuristic music or at least make sure I was still a famous rock star he-he," said Melisma, as she laughed.

Meanwhile, the Vortex and the nitwits were still having a hard time adjusting to life on Earth. Since they no longer had any magic, the only way for them to survive was they had to work. Thus, with no experience besides studying the Dark Arts and destroying things their resumes were useless. They ended up working as maids, and butlers at The Beverly Hilton hotel located approximately 11 miles from Downtown L.A. Bruce on the other hand was still getting used to living out his life stuck as a green kitty.


"Ugh I don't see how people can live like this," said Ices.

"Like what Ices?" asked her girls.

"Without any magic!"

"Tell me about it, at least you didn't accidentally spill anything on your designer boots. Did you know that black ink doesn't wash out?" Zoe cried.

"Oh, how tragic," said Storm sarcastically.

"Shut up Storm, it's your turn to wash the dishes." Zoe rolled her eyes.

"I never thought I'd say this, but I didn't think it was possible." Jewels continue to sigh.

"What? Being wiped clean of every ounce of our powers, and being forced to live as; dare I say it? Non-magical human beings," Star cried.

"Not only being forced to live here but having to actually work hand and foot for others," said Dexter.

"Tell me about it, this by far isn't my dream job," Mectrics said.

"Hey at least none of you got turned into a cat," Bruce said.

"Well, what did you expect? You couldn't go back to your home realm; you were banned from the MD as well," said Jewels.

"Plus, you look better this way and you don't stink as much," said Ices.

"Ugh, whatever." Bruce purred.

"Watch it kitty just because I don't have any magic doesn't mean I'm any less capable of making you suffer."

"Ugh and this heat is unbearable," said Star as she fanned herself with one of the hotel menus.

"I just wish something evil would happen or at least this sunny weather would disappear." Storm sighed.


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