Chapter 2: The Legend of the Dark Fairy

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"Eons ago in the Magical Dimension there once was a powerful fairy by the name of Omnia, she was also known as the Fairy of Destruction, because her powers were so powerful, she could destroy an entire planet by the snap of her fingers," said Mrs. Wings.

"But I thought fairies were only pure hearted beings," Ivy said.

"Even the purest heart can fall into the darkness," Ms. Garnet.

"You see girls Omnia's power had skyrocketed to her head to the point she no longer wanted to listen to anyone but herself. She became only interested in getting her way and eventually she started using her powers to enable fear in other's eyes. The little light she had left vanished and she was bent on ruling over everyone, and every living thing in the entire universe. Thus, Garnet, Green, Marcellus, Nicholas, I, and the other original Light Guardians had no choice but to use our powers to create a gateway that would lead her straight into Flames Hollow. We lied and told her that if she had entered the gate, she would end up with even more power to rule not just the Magic Dimension but also worlds outside of this one. She took the bait and as soon as she opened the gate she was sucked in, and the gate had vanished," said Mrs. Wings.

"So somehow those brothers know this story and are trying to find a way to free her spirit," said Ivy.

"And they want to use my body as the vessel," Serena added.

"Meaning Serena has become the villains' number one target again," said Crystal.

"Which means they'll be more prone to finishing us off because they know we'll stop at nothing to protect her," Kristy said.

"Yes, which is why we must find a way to stop history from repeating itself," Mrs. Wings said.

"Yeah, but we've already noticed how tough those guys are. They knocked us all out, and it was only three of them." Crystal sobbed.

"Girls don't beat yourself up how about you go to Bravery Arts and let the guys know in person," said Ms. Garnet.

"Might as well deliver the devastating news in person than over the phone," Serena said.

Serena and her girls headed to Bravery Arts High Academy to let their boyfriends know evil was back in the Magic Dimension. Meanwhile, the Frost Brothers, the Vortex, and the nitwits were beginning phase one of unleashing the Dark Fairy's spirit.

"I want my powers back. I don't think I'll last another day as a human," Ices whined.

"Don't worry Ices you and your friends will have your powers back soon enough, but first we need to obtain a powerful book of the Dark Arts," said Freezer.

"This book wouldn't happen to be Dark Incantations?"

"Why yes how did you know?"

"We've obtained it once and were able to unleash the incredible Dark Heartless Army of Chaos and Destruction."

"Oh, yes so much evil and power was running through our veins ooh it's giving me chills down my spine just thinking about it. Not even any of my ex-boyfriends made me feel that way," Storm started fanning herself.

"Well, none of those warlocks were me." Cloud winked at Storm.

"Gag me," said everyone except Storm and Cloud.

"Anyway, before I almost threw up of course our reign of terror ended thanks to those Losers of Light," said Ices.

"But you have us now and that's all that matters now let's go get that book," Freezer said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2021 ⏰

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