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Eliot POV
I wake up and go back to sleep because I feel really heavy and tired. My alarm sounds for the 2nd time and I groan, debating if I should sleep in because my eyes are closing on their own. Time to get ready for school! I try to think positively. I get my clothes and accessories, and walk into the warm shower. It's so relaxing. I look at my white soft skin and how easily it gets red under the attack and pressure of the hot water. How something so soothing, hurts me.
My mind wanders to Arion, did he get home? I wonder what he went to do. He told me in his I'm better than you voice "yOu bEtTer bE HeRe bY 8" and then he didn't show up. Im kind of annoyed bc missed him, it's so weird why would I miss him. He's bad according to everyone. But I feel comfort in him, I like being with him, even if I'm scared half to death. How something so soothing can hurt me so easily, I think again . He's not that bad and neither is the hot water, come to think of it, it feels really light. I open my eyes and I notice there's barely any water coming out of the shower. I turn the knobs both way and the water stops completely. What do I do? Ughhhhhhh. Wait there's another bathroom in arions room.
I walk out of the shower and wrap my body with the towel. I walk out of my room and to arions room. I knock on the door and he doesn't open. I knock harder and I jump back in freight when I hear something really Big Bang on the door. I suppose he threw something at the door.

"A-Arion. I need to ask you a favor. Can you please come here? Please"

THUD. He threw something else.

"Throwing stuff around like a little kid won't make me stop knocking" I hear a loud groan and heavy footsteps. I grab onto my towel tighter because I think I might have gotten him mad. He opens the door and raises an eyebrow, irritated.

"Me? Little? Darling, your delusional"

"T-he t- the water in my shower stopped working can I shower in yours really quick" I feel my cheeks flush red.

"Is that all?... whatever come in. Wait- hold on, wait here for a second."
He says while pushing me away from the restroom, kind of hard. I stumble backwards and fall on his bed. How rude...ly hot. He looks so good with fluffy messy bed hair. And his abs looking mighty chiseled today.
I wait in the bed but get sleepy and I feel myself slightly drift off. I Yelp when I feel hands go under me and pick me up. I open my eyes and see Arion. He's so good looking. Why do I like him so much? He's a bad person. He threw me against the wall last time. For some reason I still feel like I don't deserve him. He deserves better. My eye tear up for no reason and Arion notices when he puts me down.

"Why are you bitching?" He asked blankly while he turned the water on. I jump and Yelp when the very cold water hits me. I move closer to him so I don't get splashed by the cold water while it heats up.

"It's nothing" I whisper back as I turn away
He just stares at me and walks away. My shoulders slumped forward and I made myself smaller. I actually felt hurt. He didn't care, he just left. Why would he even want me? I'm so average, the only pretty thing about me is my eyes and there are millions of people with the same colored eyes. Maybe he just keeps me for my body. Well that's kind of all I can offer. To him I'm worth the equivalent of a prostitute. I feel my tears form. Why is everything so heavy today. I'm so tired and I feel like moving is too hard, my mind is being anxious again.

"What are you doing? Aren't you supposed to be soaping up or something. I had a bad day yesterday I'm not in the mood to wake up at 7 in the fucking morning" his voice shows no emotion.
"I'm s-sorry. I'll hurry" I wait for him to leave to get up but he doesn't leave.

I get up fast because I don't want to anger him more. I move my hand for the soap and I grasp it but it falls and I just crouched down on the bath floor and started crying silently. I don't know why I feel like this. I hear his footsteps behind me and he pulls my arms away from my face.

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