Chapter 3

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Muzan is micheal Jackson as a demon- try to prove me wrong-

Muzan is micheal Jackson as a demon- try to prove me wrong-

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Lmao what-

Sumiko pov

Rengoku~Kun and Sanemi~Kun and there younger brother's just left. Sanemi~kun and rengoku~kun had a scent of love? They seemed to be in love with someone? I don't know who though. Both are straight- well I think they are. Wait- I forgot to ask for there phone numbers! It is late so I will ask tomorrow at school. I'm going to bed I need beauty rest- something sanemi~kun clearly needs.

(👀 yes gurl! Anyway I felt like writing that cuz you see those anger issues?-)

In the morning or something-

I just woke up. What time is it? I checked my clock. 7:54 am. Huh? WAIT! I'M GOING TO BE LATE MABGENEUSVANWNH! I ran from my bed and got ready as fast as I could. I rmemeber today we can wear whatever we want so I wore some dark navy blue jeans, a dark wine red crop top and a blacks sweater. Damn I look like i have a dark thing going on here😏. I look so good! 😌🤚. Anyway I went to the kitchen and took some toast threw it in my mouth and left. You know like in every anime thingy or fanfiction-


Anyway Yumihiko is stupid so-

Sorry! Sorry! Anyway to the real part-

anyway I started walking to school- well more like running as if I was getting chased by fan boys and fan girls.  When I arrived I saw some boy checking the girls out. He seemed to be looking at them sexually. I went up to him and slapped him. That got everyones attention. I didn't want to bring attention but what I did ended up bring attention.
"WAHHH! WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?!" He asked tears pricking at the ends of his eyes.
"What that was for is for what you were doing wrong!!" I yelled back at hum
"WHAT DID I DO WRONG!!??" He asked at this point i was angry and it was showing
"WHAT IS WRONG IS THAT YOU ARE LOOKING AT ALL THE FRMALES SEXUALLY!! LIKE CAN YOU NOT!?" I yelled I was about to hit him again but I was held back by someone

Rengoku pov

I was outside of school and I heard screaming. I walked to were it was coming from. It was from..SUMIKO-CHAN...? Why was she screaming after she finished i walked towards her to ask but after a bit I heard even more screaming and when it ended I ran to sumiko-Chan to stop her from hitting the boy. Man this is hard! She is so strong!! What the hell is with her strength!?
"Sumiko-Chan calm down!!" I said she seemed to calm down
"Shut up rengoku~kun.. This pervert was looking at the females..he deserves this at the most..." She said a deathly aura around her.
"Why...?" I aksed she seemed so angry that before I could see i heard a scream if pain
"AHHHH!" Someone screamed out. I saw a terrible seen i never thought I would see. Sumiko~Chan a nice but strong girl beating up another student....? The student started to bleed!! The scream was because she had broken his arm!
"SUMIKO-CHAN STOP IT!!I screamed at her but when I saw her she was crying as if she never wanted to do it. She fell to her knees picked up the student got her phone took his called someone and ran. I ran after her. Tears were streaming down her face. I lost her after a minute...she is a really fast runner..i need to get back to school. I will ask her later.

Zenitsu's grandpa pov (i forgot the name 😩)
I had gotten a call from Zenitsu. Why was he calling me now? I answered and said
"What do you need Zenitsu"I said suddenly I heard a few cries and a voice said
"H-hello...i am not Zenitsu.....zenitsu got injured badly. He has a broken arm and is bleeding..." This voice belonged to a female. Was he getting bullied again?
"How did this happen?" I asked a few more small cries were heard
"I- I am the one who did it...I AM SO SORRY!" She apologized.
"And why?" I asked getting angry.
"He- he was looking at females in a sexual manner and I didn't like it. I yelled at him and let my emotions take the best of me..." She said sadly. I seemed even more angry. Why would she let her emotions get the best of her!? She seemed to have stopped something because you could here some footsteps stopping. Was she running? She kept at the call and soon I heard hospital tings and she said
"He was injured...the person who caused it was me...I let my emotions get to me since he was doing something terrifying to many females. Well females are very uncomfortable with what he was doing..." She said. So she didn't lie. The doctors took Zenitsu and she ended the call.

That is all for this chapter ?:'( sorry for not updating for so long it just went out of my mind...this isn't as long as I would usually make chapters but it was all I could really do. My creativity is going away and so is my motivation so sorry about that. Anyway that is all hope you enjoyed this chapter Sayonara- Yumihiko-Chan

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