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I could feel him standing behind me, I knew I had messed up and was pushing his buttons but I couldn't help it, I was needy and he was ignoring me.

Ok he wasn't really ignoring me, he had been working all day but what is an omega to do when her Alpha is gone all day?

I had started with little flirty text messages, getting an occasional response but oh no that wouldn't do at all I wanted more, I wanted him to come home and just be focused on me and me alone, so the texts turned a bit more dirty and the responses started coming a little sooner and I knew I was on the right track. A cute selfie here and there and the phone rang.

"Can I ask what you think you are doing?" there was a hint of growl to his voice and it sent shivers up my back.

"What do you mean Alpha? I am just sharing how my day is going while I wait for you to get off work." I aimed for sweet but he was so much smarter than that.

"I am off work in 4 hours, we can deal with your attitude then."

The phone clicked as he hung up, not even giving me even a chance to argue back. I knew the tone in his voice, I knew I should behave and just wait until he got home from work but I could still feel it clawing at me to get out. The prep for the next idea had some time so I am pretty sure he probably thought I gained my senses and was behaving....but he was very wrong.

With the softest blanket I could find being thrown over the headboard of our bed I turned off the regular lights and switched on the LEDs I had begged to have. My Alpha had only agreed when he learned I could make them flash to music which also meant they would hear the sound of us fucking. The bedroom was dark and cloaked in red, my phone set up on a tripod with a little remote in my hand I took several pictures. My favorite being me on my back, legs up on the headboard crossed at the ankles and my head and arms thrown back with my body arched. Once I thought I had taken enough it was time to go through them and pick the best to send but it was so hard to pick, I ended up sending about 5 and just put my phone down. He wouldn't be answering, it was too late for his lunch and he had so many calls to make today.

I left the room as it was and went to clean the kitchen from what I had made for lunch, it wasn't much but I really did enjoy my Alpha coming home to a clean home especially when he had a long day and I never really knew when those were going to happen.

Quickly turning on my music like always I got to cleaning, making sure my phone was on loud incase he called but I was sure there wasn't going to be anything until he got home. Dancing around the kitchen I made sure everything was clean, unfortunately that meant I didn't hear the front door open and shut because suddenly he was behind me, I wasn't scared of it being anyone else because his scent just overwhelmed me. Everyone always said when you found the right partner you would know because the combination of your scents would be lovely and right now our home always smelled like bourbon and vanilla.

"Brat?" he growled from behind me.

The thrill that ran up my back made me shiver. "Yes my amazing Alpha?"

His hand in my hair suddenly pulled a whine from me, how could he not expect me to be acting out when we haven't had sex in three days, I had to stop even wearing underwear because I was just constantly soaking them every time I was in his presence. He pulled me hard against his body and I did my best to fight the urge to just started begging.


It was not a statement, it was an order, one that I immediately obeyed. Well once he released my hair, it seemed to be a difficult task because he groaned when he did it. My run to our bedroom was unneeded, he didn't chase me. He was patient, methodical. This was not a fun silly game, this was going to be a punishment for disobeying and for probably making him hard at work.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2021 ⏰

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