-Seeing Things-

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A/N: i don't remember a lot from my idea that i had in mind for the first chapter, but in this chapter i'll try my best and hope that the next chapter will be interesting :") 

Senpai's day was rather bothersome and annoying for him. Not only was he trying to get every chance to fix his hair, but that he's been seeing something out of the corner of his eye. It was roughly in the middle of the day. And annoyed enough to say that it just pissed him off even more and concluded that he's better off ignoring whatever that seemed to bother him. 

A group of girls squeal in the distance, telling Senpai unexpectedly nice things. Along the lines of "You look cute today Senpai~!". Senpai keeping a polite and genuine appearance, thanked them as he flashed them a wink and was rewarded with a high pitched squeal from the group of girls. 

Senpai chuckled sighing, "I can't believe they feel the need to do this out in public." he thought to himself before nonchalantly walking to his locker to pick up a binder he had forgotten to take out of. The hallway started to clear up as he digged through his locker, but he knew he had at least 5 minutes before he was considered late. 

".. The hell? It should've.." he stopped as he noticed it wasn't in his locker. Panicking a little as he stood there frozen in his adrenaline, analyzing his locker one last time in a slight panic. He looked to his left to see his binder noticeably on the floor around a corner, just, laying there. 

As he closes his locker, he quickly approached his belonging hoping to have enough time to get to his next class in time. "How did it even get here outside my locker..?" he thought as he leaned down to retrieve the navy blue binder.

But what he saw before him was a tall being from the slightly darkened hallway, and a bright yellow with a noticeably large smile, ".. GAHH-?!" Senpai stumbled backwards falling slightly on his back, his palms catching his fall. But the lights flickered only for the figure to abruptly disappear. 

Senpai's face grew pale while he stared at the assumed spot the figure once stood, as he wasn't prepared to be so caught off guard and terrified all at once. "Goddamn it, what the fuck is happening today?! .." he said as he continued to curse to himself, running down the hallway binder in hand. 

His mind drew a blank as he sat there in class. Unable to comprehend why or what was happening. Confused and drained, he slowly started to recollected himself as the day went on. 

Soon after his classes were done, he was greeted again by the same group of girls from earlier. "What's the matter? .. You poor things look so worried." Senpai said as he noticed that the group all had worried or scared faces. "We're actually worried about you Senpai! We've never seen you so shaken up.." one said fidgeting with her braid. Senpai let out a soft huff before offing the group, "Nothing goes past you guys, huh?" he waved a hand at  the group as he cracked a nervous smile. "No need to worry, I just thought I was going to be late for class.." The group looked at Senpai expecting more from him, but then their expressions were quickly put to ease. "You should take it easy mister! Stress isn't always healthy~!" more than a few broke out in girlish giggles, as some turned to each other whispering to one another. 

Senpai sighed giving the group his usual charming smile, reassuring a few he was fine. But then, as he saw it. Just behind the group of girls behind a corner stood the figure staring at Senpai.

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