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A/N: i hope that i'm doing this right and that i'm staying in character </3 
sorry if the first chapter was a little spooky, i thought it would be kinda swag to start it off with a little spookyin' ":) 

As soon as he saw the figure, Senpai tensed up having the need to leave. "A-Ah, I have to go fair maidens..-" He quickly dismissed the group of girls, leaving them. As much as the group wanted to question it, they all waved and wished to see Senpai again. 

But that wasn't the case for Senpai. As he turned a corner, he rushed down a flight of stairs. Running out of the building his mind screaming at him, "SHIT- RUN! RUN AWAY!! WHY THE HELL IS THAT THING FOLLOWING ME?!"  his eyes teared up as he ran. He questioned why he was seeing what he saw. ".. can anyone else see that thing-?" he questioned himself as he slowed down his pace. Thinking of what could have possibly been the reason he's seeing that figure, he shivered at the thought he could've been hallucinating or being haunted after what happened two nights ago. 

He recalled back to remembering that night.. 

~flashback time >:))~

"Damn worm getting me into such trouble.." Senpai cursed out loud to himself as he recalled that he had gotten into a verbal fight which he didn't cause, yet he believes he obviously won. The fight lasted him enough to where he had to wait in an empty classroom as due punishment. It was late, past 7 pm. He was walking by himself in the empty streets. 

He felt something off when suddenly he heard stumbling behind him. He glanced over his shoulder, backing up as he turned to the person that appeared to be gripping onto a open bottle. "What're youuu doinnn' out at thiss hour pre- *hic* prettyyy boyyy.." Senpai frowned at the man standing before him. "Great. A drunk. Just my luck." the strawberry blonde attempted to escape the drunken being and get away as fast as possible as he grips his backpack strap. 

"I don't have time for this.." he whispered to himself harshly. Confused and seeing how fast Senpai was distancing himself from the other man, the drunk rushed after him running to his side. "Noww, now hold on..!! Thatz ruude to just.... run off- like that! .. i just wanna have fun.. if you err- know what i meann.." the man slurred as he leaned on Senpai's shoulder, uncomfortably close to the other's neck. 

As if it was Senpai's instinct, he pushed the drunk away from him causing the other to stumble back. "I have to go, please go home and don't follow me.." the drunk looked at him with a blank stare as Senpai walked off, on edge. 

It became dark fast. And Senpai decided to take a short cut to his apartment, he was still getting used to navigating around the place. But soon came to a stop as he noticed he didn't recognize his surroundings. ".. Fuck." he realized he had walked too far. The blonde sighed, kicking the rubble below him. When he suddenly heard faint footsteps coming in his direction. He hoped that it wasn't the man from earlier. But he was wrong as he turned around to see the other holding something low in the dark. 

Senpai gripped his phone from his back pocket, "This fuckin' worm again.." he thought. "I'll call the damn police if you don't piss off-!" Senpai called out harshly, glaring at the man and attempting to analyze what he's holding. The man stood there visibly swaying as he stared at Senpai not responding for a moment. Before Senpai could do anything the man frantically sprinted at Senpai, revealing that he was equipped to what appears to be a box cutter. 

The man swung high at Senpai's torso, just barely cutting through his shirt and falling over slightly to the side as Senpai backed up out of the way. Senpai gritted his teeth, "I am not going to die to this drunk maniac!" he thought as Senpai swung his backpack at the drunk, causing him to fall over completely. ".. khh. God I wish I were dreaming!" Senpai said as he sprinted away from the man. 

Over a fence and down an alleyway, Senpai thought to appear an abandoned house. Where he jumped through a window that was half-way boarded up with wooden planks. Senpai took a moment to catch his breath as he hid low on the surprisingly well-kept couch. Tired, he rubbed his forehead shutting his eyes closed. "Fuck.. This is just great.." he said to himself sarcastically, letting his arms fall to his sides. Letting his neck hangover the head of the couch.

But before he knew it his eyelids felt heavy. Although the quietness was comforting, he felt his hair moving.. Senpai didn't open his eyes due to it being strangely soothing. When suddenly a low yet ecstatic voice from behind him murmured, ".. It's rude to come into someone's house without permission." Exhausted yet shocked, Senpai cracked his eyes open slightly. He couldn't see too well due to the dark or that he was dead tired, but he saw a faint pigment of yellow. 

Least as to expected, Senpai responded with a, "mhh.." as he turned to his side, closing his eyes once more. Snuggling up on the couch that strangely smelled zesty, Senpai felt a huff of air flow down onto his face. But he was far past asleep by this point as he gripped his backpack like a body pillow. He was so tired and fed up with his encounters that day he didn't bother to get up in that moment. 

Morning arose soon after Senpai had slowly woken up as he looked up at his ceiling as he was snuggled in bed dressed in his usual pajamas, "So that was a dream after all..-" He thought again, ".. wait but how did- .. it all seemed real though." Senpai sighed, rubbing his eyes. "Ughh.. it's too early for this shit." he thought as he did his usual morning routine the thought lingering. 

As he went to change into his clothes, grabbing his favorite pink tie, he noticed a small treated wound just bellow his collarbone. "Where the hell did i get this fro-" stopping midsentence, he squinted at the mirror and touched the wound itself. A worried expression appeared on Senpai, ".. Shit."

~end of flashback ;)~


A/N: wowzers uhh i uhh i wrote a lot.. uh i hope this chapter wasn't too suffocating ^^" please let me know if any of my work appears to be too wordy </3 
i'll try to get more dialogue in the next chapter since this one was mostly just action ,':(

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