Ch-1:I am Special!

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It was my fifteenth birthday when I learnt that I am adopted. My parents while returning from a family get together, found me beside a trash can. Surrounded by stray dogs, left to die. I was not left there alone. A golden box was kept beside me. Mom handed me that box after explaining me the whole story. There were few letters and a 'Wolf Face' necklace in the box. The letters were from my birth giving mum, where it was mentioned that my real name was 'Bella White'. No one knows my real name. I am called Tina Summers. My mum, Rosa Summers and dad David Summers gave this lovely name to me.

Mum and dad told me the story after which I hugged them and with teary eyes stated, "I don't care whether you are my biological parents or not, for me you guys are the best parents in the world and I will never love you both any less."

After my emotional speech, Mum hugged me and cried her heart out and my Sheriff dad who was trying very hard to keep a straight face at last lost his control and cried like a small baby. Both dad and mum hugged me and in unison screamed "We love you too Baby."

Today, is my seventeenth birthday and since last two years, my bond with my parents grew stronger. Here in Vancouver, Winter prevails almost throughout the year. The month of April and May experiences summer, with pleasant weather. My birthday custom is that, every year on this day, I visit an orphanage, meet the sweet children, spent whole day with them, cut cakes, have lunch with them. Overall have fun with those little guys out there. Today, like every year I have the same plan, I am getting ready. Pulling a faded blue Mom jean and a grey shirt, along with my black converse, I like to stick to minimal amount of makeup with only a little lip gloss, concealer and mascara that's all.

I left my room with my small bag pack and went directly to the kitchen. Dad was sitting on the kitchen counter reading news-paper and mum was busy cooking breakfast.

"Hey Dad, Good Morning."

"Morning Sweetie and have a very happy birthday kiddo."

"Thanks Dad, Morning Mum."

"Morning Honey and Many many happy returns of the day, take a seat. You favourite strawberry pancakes with drizzled maple syrup is ready."

"Aww, Mummy you are so sweet, thank you so much."

"Never mind sweetie, are you going somewhere?"

"Umm... Yeah. Today is my birthday, so like every other year, I am going to the orphanage. Why is there anything you want?"

"Actually yea-..."

"Rosa, let me tell her"

"What is it? Mum, Dad?"

"Tina, this year you turned seventeen. We both have something to give to you, it is from your biological parents. We have read it, as it was for us and you. So just remember, whatever you are we know that you will always be our daughter because at the end, soul is all that matters. We accepted you along with all your deficiencies and strengths. We knew this truth from the day after we brought the little smiling baby in our home. So please don't hate yourself, us or your biological parents. Please honey."

"Why would you say so, it's not like I am a vampire, witch or something."

"It's better you read the letter."

He handed me an old envelope; it had already turned into yellowish white. I unfolded the paper very carefully. It had a big white sheet of paper with black ink cursive writings.

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